
   In addition to those fine engravings from Garnery, 除了卡纳里这两件精美的作品以外,

  there are two other French engravings worthy of note, by some one who subscribes himself "H. Durand." 另外还有两件值得重视的法国版画,那是一个自署为“H·杜兰”的人的作品。
  One of them, though not precisely adapted to our present purpose, nevertheless deserves mention on other accounts. 其中有一件,虽然不挺适应我们此刻的要求,但多少还是值得一提的。
  It is a quiet noon-scene among the isles of the Pacific; 那是一幅太平洋诸岛中的宁静的午景;
  a French whaler anchored, inshore, in a calm, and lazily taking water on board; 一艘抛了锚的法国捕鲸船,靠在风平浪静的岸边,人们在懒洋洋地取水上船,
  the loosened sails of the ship, and the long leaves of the palms in the background, both drooping together in the breezeless air. 船上那松弛的篷帆,和背景上的长长的棕榈树叶,都在平静无风的空中低垂在一起。
  The effect is very fine, when considered with reference to its presenting the hardy fishermen under one of their few aspects of oriental repose. 一想到那幅画上把那些辛劳的捕鱼者的姿态,表现为一种东方式的恬静,那效果可真是再好也没有了。
  The other engraving is quite a different affair: 另一幅版画却是完全不同的一件作品:
  the ship hove-to upon the open sea, and in the very heart of the Leviathanic life, with a Right Whale alongside; 一艘停在辽阔的大海上的船,加上船边的那条露脊鲸,表现出了捕鲸生活的本质;
  the vessel (in the act of cutting-in) hove over to the monster as if to a quay; 那艘船(正在剖鲸脂)正在用劲曳着那只巨兽,象在碇泊码头一般;
  and a boat, hurriedly pushing off from this scene of activity, is about giving chase to whales in the distance.  另外那只正从这个活跃的现场急忙划出去的小艇,正要划到远处去追击鲸群。
  The harpoons and lances lie levelled for use; 标枪和鱼枪都平放着,准备随时取用;
  three oarsmen are just setting the mast in its hole; 三个桨手在把桅杆插在桅孔里;
  while from a sudden roll of the sea, the little craft stands half-erect out of the water, like a rearing horse. 而突然间,海里一阵翻腾,那条小船便笔直地腾出了水面,活象一匹后脚竖起的骏马。
  From the ship, the smoke of the torments of the boiling whale is going up like the smoke over a village of smithies;  从那艘大船上,正升腾起阵阵熬煎鲸油的乌烟,直象乌烟密布在锻冶场的村集上空;
  and to windward, a black cloud, rising up with earnest of squalls and rains, seems to quicken the activity of the excited seamen. 在上风的地方,随着一阵狂风和暴雨,涌出一片乌云,仿佛要加速那些激昂的水手的动作似的。