
   Chapter 59 Squid 第五十九章 大乌贼鱼

  Slowly wading through the meadows of brit, the Pequod still held on her way north-eastward towards the island of Java; a gentle air impelling her keel,   裴廓德号慢慢地荡过那片小鱼牧场后,仍然继续朝东北方,向着爪哇岛驶去,和风推拍着它的船身,
  so that in the surrounding serenity her three tall tapering masts mildly waved to that languid breeze, as three mild palms on a plain.  因此,在四周一派宁静中,它那三支又高又细的桅杆,合着那股徐徐的微风轻轻地摆动,宛如平原上三棵柔软的棕榈树。
  And still, at wide intervals in the silvery night, the lonely, alluring jet would be seen. 但是,在银色的夜空里,每隔好久,还时时可以看到那个孤寂诱人的喷水。
  But one transparent blue morning, when a stillness almost preternatural spread over the sea, however unattended with any stagnant calm; 有一天早晨,天宇明朗湛蓝,当时,海上弥漫着一片可说是超常的宁静。却又一点也不是死气沉沉的静寂;
  when the long burnished sun-glade on the waters seemed a golden finger laid across them, enjoining some secrecy; 海面上那一大片辉煌绚烂的阳光,象是有一只在吩咐什么机密事情的金手搁在那上面;
  when the slippered waves whispered together as they softly ran on; 滑板似的浪潮一面轻轻向前滚去,一面喁喁私语;
  in this profound hush of the visible sphere a strange spectre was seen by Daggoo from the main-mast-head. 就在这种幽静得显明可见的氛围里,大个儿在主桅顶上看到了一个奇怪的鬼东西。
  In the distance, a great white mass lazily rose, and rising higher and higher, and disentangling itself from the azure,  远处,有一大团白色的东西,慢吞吞地升起,离开蔚蓝的海面,越升越高,
  at last gleamed before our prow like a snow-slide, new slid from the hills. 最后在我们的船头闪闪发光,好象刚从山岗上滑下来的雪崩。
  Thus glistening for a moment, as slowly it subsided, and sank. 它这样闪烁一会儿后,又慢慢地下降,沉下去。
  Then once more arose, and silently gleamed. 接着又再升起,悄悄地闪烁一会。