
   "Wet the line! wet the line!" “把索子弄湿!把索子弄湿!”

  cried Stubb to the tub oarsman (him seated by the tub) who, snatching off his hat, dashed the sea-water into it. 斯塔布对那个管小桶的桨手嚷着(他就坐在小桶旁边),那个人急忙抓下帽子,把海水舀在帽子里。
  Footnote: partly to show the indispensableness of this act,  原注:为了表示这种做法是不可缺少的,
  it may here be stated, that, in the old Dutch fishery, a mop was used to dash the running line with water; 这里必须说明一下,在古代的荷兰捕鱼业中,有一支拖把专用来给滚动的捕鲸索泼水;
  in many other ships, a wooden piggin, or bailer, is set apart for that purpose. 但在其它许多船只中,却单独置有一种木勺子,或者一只小水桶。
  Your hat, however, is the most convenient, end of footnote. 不过,帽子却是最方便的。
  More turns were taken, so that the line began holding its place.  再绕几圈后,捕鲸索就开始恢复原状了。
  The boat now flew through the boiling water like a shark all fins. 现在,这只小艇象条挺起所有的鱼鳍的鲨鱼一般,飞也似的穿过滚滚的浪涛。
  Stubb and Tashtego here changed places—stem for stern—a staggering business truly in that rocking commotion. 这会儿,斯塔布和塔斯蒂哥对换了座位——把艇头艇梢的地位对调一下——在那样颠颠簸簸的大混乱里,这倒确实是桩非常了不起的事儿。
  From the vibrating line extending the entire length of the upper part of the boat, 从那根拉扯着这只小艇的整个上半部的震颤的捕鲸索,
  and from its now being more tight than a harpstring, 又从它现在绷得比竖琴弦还更紧的情况看来,
  you would have thought the craft had two keels—one cleaving the water,  你准会以为这只小艇有两条龙骨——一条在海里破浪前进,
  the other the air—as the boat churned on through both opposing elements at once. 一条在向天空猛冲——因为这只小艇正同时朝两个相反的空间突进。
  A continual cascade played at the bows; 一阵小瀑布在船头不住奔泻;
  a ceaseless whirling eddy in her wake; 船梢又是个不停旋卷的涡流;
  and, at the slightest motion from within, even but of a little finger, 因此,艇里只消轻轻一动,哪怕只要弹一弹小指头,
  the vibrating, cracking craft canted over her spasmodic gunwale into the sea. 这只震颤不停、咯咯作响的小艇就会把它那患中风症似的船舷翻进海里去。