
   Fetch him? How? In a coach and four, as they fetched Elijah? And fetch him where? 找他?怎样个找法?用一辆四匹马的车子,象他们找以利亚那样么?找他到哪里去呢?

  Up dere, said Fleece, holding his tongs straight over his head, and keeping it there very solemnly. 上边呀,弗里斯说,他把火钳直举到头顶上,很庄重地让火钳高高举起,动也不动。
  So, then, you expect to go up into our main-top, do you, cook, when you are dead?  啊,这样说来,你死啦,倒想爬到我们的大桅楼上去喽,是么,厨司?
  But don't you know the higher you climb, the colder it gets? Main-top, eh? 可是,难道你不知道,爬得越高,越感到冷么?大桅楼,是么?
  Didn't say dat t'all, said Fleece, again in the sulks. 我又没有说要爬到那上头去,弗里斯说,又绷起脸来。
  You said up there, didn't you?  你刚才不是说上边么?
  and now look yourself, and see where your tongs are pointing. 你瞧你自己,看你火钳指的是什么地方呀。
  But, perhaps you expect to get into heaven by crawling through the lubber's hole, cook;  不过,也许你想爬过那大桅楼的舱口到天堂去吧,厨司;
  but, no, no, cook, you don't get there, except you go the regular way, round by the rigging. 不过,不,不,厨司,你是爬不上去的,除非你按照正常的方法,用绳索绑起着。
  It's a ticklish business, but must be done, or else it's no go. 这可不是容易弄的事情,可是却非这样做不可,否则,就没有办法。
  But none of us are in heaven yet. 不过我们谁都还没有进过天堂呢。
  Drop your tongs, cook, and hear my orders. Do ye hear?  把你的火钳放下,厨司,听我的命令。你可听么?
  Hold your hat in one hand, and clap t'other a'top of your heart, when I'm giving my orders, cook. 厨司,我对你发命令的时候,你要一只手拿着帽子,一只手紧按在心口上。
  What! that your heart, there?— that's your gizzard! Aloft! aloft!—that's it—now you have it.  怎么!那是你的心么?——那是你的喉咙呀!低点!低点——对啦——现在别动。
  Hold it there now, and pay attention. 就放在那里,注意。
  All 'dention, said the old black, with both hands placed as desired,  完全注意,那黑老头双手放在叫他放的地方,说道,
  vainly wriggling his grizzled head, as if to get both ears in front at one and the same time. 得意洋洋地扭动着他那斑白的脑袋,仿佛一下子要把两只耳朵都并到前头来似的。