
   with a great swash the ship rolls upwards and backwards from the whale, 船身便前俯后仰地翻腾起来,跟鲸分开了,

  and the triumphant tackle rises into sight dragging after it the disengaged semicircular end of the first strip of blubber. 那只奏凯的复滑车往上一冒,便拖出第一块割下来的半圆形的鲸脂。
  Now as the blubber envelopes the whale precisely as the rind does an orange, 且说鲸脂之包着鲸身,正如橘皮之包着橘子,
  so is it stripped off from the body precisely as an orange is sometimes stripped by spiralizing it. 所以人们把它从鲸身上剥下来,也正如人们有时螺旋式地剥下橘皮一样。
  For the strain constantly kept up by the windlass continually keeps the whale rolling over and over in the water,  因为绞车经常保持着的那股力量,不住地使得那只鲸在水里滚来滚去,
  and as the blubber in one strip uniformly peels off along the line called the "scarf," simultaneously cut by the spades of Starbuck and Stubb, the mates; 加上这时大副斯达巴克和二副斯塔布两人,都在同时使用铲子,循着那叫做"鱼皮"的纹路,把鲸脂一块块地、齐齐整整地剥开来,
  and just as fast as it is thus peeled off, and indeed by that very act itself, 鲸脂就被这样快速地剥开来,而且也正由于这样的剥法,
  it is all the time being hoisted higher and higher aloft till its upper end grazes the main-top; 所以它一直是越吊越高,最后,它的顶端都擦到主桅楼了;
  the men at the windlass then cease heaving, and for a moment or two the prodigious blood-dripping mass sways to and fro as if let down from the sky, 到了这时,那些转绞车的人才停止绞动,那只血淋淌滴的大鲸身,仿佛要从天上放下来似的,晃来晃去,晃了一两分钟模样。
  and every one present must take good heed to dodge it when it swings, else it may box his ears and pitch him headlong overboard. 在场的每一个人,在它晃着的时候,都得好生注意回避,否则,就会给重重地敲记耳光,给立刻摔进海里。
  One of the attending harpooneers now advances with a long, keen weapon called a boarding-sword, 这时,在旁边照料的标枪手之一,就拿着一支又快又长、叫做"攻船剑"的家伙走上前去,
  and watching his chance he dexterously slices out a considerable hole in the lower part of the swaying mass.  他瞄好机会,很熟练地在那晃来晃去的大东西下端挖出一个大洞来。