Discovering the World of(在线收听


J.K. Rowling (Author of Harry Potter): Harry Potter came to me on a train in 1990. I was sitting and just staring out the window and the idea just fell 1)out of nowhere. It was the purest 2)stroke of inspiration I’e never had in my life, and I’e been writing about him ever since. Literally I’e boxes, 3)loads of stuff on him.

Harry Potter may have fallen out of nowhere, but the magical world he inhabits didn’t just appear 4)out of thin air.

Among the characters Harry learns of is Circe, a powerful witch who turns men into pigs in one of the greatest stories ever told, The Odyssey. Written by a blind Greek poet named Homer in the 8th century BC, the twin 5)epics, The Iliad and The Odyssey, enchanted generations of Greek children.

The epic voyage of the hero Odysseus resembles Harry’s own journey. He has a distant goal to get to, he has enormous numbers of obstacles placed in front of him and 6)monsters who he has to face, and challenge and overcome and 7)bewitchments which he has to resist, and all the time, pressing onward towards his goal. In some ways, Harry Potter is a modern Odysseus.

The stories of ancient Greece are one of J.K Rowling’s favorite sources of inspiration. Characters from Greek legend 8)crop up throughout the Harry Potter books. A real figure from ancient Athens provides the name of Harry’s schoolboy 9)archenemy, Draco Malfoy. 10)Commemorated in the night skies as the 11)constellation of the dragon, Draco was a 12)lawgiver from the 7th century BC who became 13)infamous for his harsh punishments, giving us the wordraconian.”

Malfoy’s mother, Narcissa, is based on one of Greece’s most famous myths. Narcissa comes from the Greek myth of 14)Narcissist; we get the word narcissism for self-love. The story of Narcissist is the story of a Greek youth who fell in love with his own image and admiring it in a 15)riverbed, fell into the river and was drowned.

Harry’s giant friend Hagrid gets his name from a Greek character 16)exiled from the heavens but allowed to stay on as animal keeper by Zeus, king of the gods, a role almost 17)identical to Hagrid’s job as a 18)gamekeeper in the stories of Harry Potter.

One of Hagrid’s charges is Fluffy, the 3-headed dog who guards the out-of-bounds corridor on the 3rd floor of 19)Hogwarts. Well, Fluffy, the 3-headed guard dog is really a service from Greek Mythology, a 3-headed guard dog, and one of the things that Rowling does that is so impressive, she stays absolutely true to the original myths while using them so lightly in her own stories. Fluffy is the perfect example.

The lake next to Hogwarts hides another monster once thought mythical, but all too real. The giant 20)squid, because it lives so deep and is so rarely seen, has gripped people’s imaginations for 21)millennia. The ancients talked about the 22)Kraken, and this idea that there is an immense creature deep in the depths of the ocean, or indeed the lake at the bottom of the grounds, is a wonderfully fascinating one because it’s a combination of the mythical possibilities and reality.

Next to Hogwarts, in the forbidden forest, 23)dwell yet more creatures from classical mythology, the star-gazing 24)centaurs. In that same forest live some of the most 25)illusive creatures in Harry’s magical world: 26)unicorns, creatures hunted in vain in our own world. Unicorns, in Harry’s adventure as well as in classical mythology, are pure goodness. For centuries, people searched for them, because it was believed that their 27)horns or their blood would have magical medicinal qualities, and these characteristics of unicorns do come into play in the stories.

Rowing borrows heavily from 28)Arthurian legend. The 29)parallels between Harry Potter and King Arthur are quite extraordinary. I mean, you can almost start off with the fact that, like King Arthur, Harry Potter is 30)spirited away by a magician, taken away from the place where his real parents are because of the danger that he faces. That’s exactly the situation in Arthurian legend. And then you take it further that just as Merlin tutored Arthur, so Harry Potter at Hogwarts is being trained in using the magical powers that he has inside him. With his queen, Gwenivere, and his best knight, Sir Lancelot, Arthur untied the kingdom and built the majestic 31)Camelot. A story of 3 friends that has echoes in Harry’s adventures. Then there’s the other interesting parallel that Ron, Miney, and Harry are not 32)dissimilar to Arthur, Lancelot and Gwenivere, which leaves all sorts of interesting possibilities for the way this 33)saga will develop.

Using myths and legends from all over the world, J.K.Rowling has created a world of her own, an enchanting realm magically unites children worldwide. Whatever continues to 34)unfold, readers can expect to 35)uncover more connections with our own 36)muggle world. If we follow the clues in Harry’s magical world, perhaps, we can discover the real magic in our own. CE





















1) out of nowhere [非正式用法]不知从哪来,突然冒出

2) stroke [ strEuk ] n. 敲,击

3) loads of 大量,许多

4) out of thin air 无中生有,凭空

5) epic [ 5epik ] n. 史诗

6) monster [ 5mCnstE ] n. 怪物

7) bewitchment [bI`wItFmEnt] n. 妖术,迷惑力

8) crop up 被提到

9) archenemy [ 5B:tF5enimi ] n. 主要敌人

10) commemorate [ kE5memEreit ] v. 纪念

11) constellation [ kCnstE5leiFEn ] n. 星座

12) lawgiver [5lC:^IvEr] n. 立法者

13) infamous [ 5infEmEs ] a. 臭名昭著的

14) narcissist [ 5nB:sisist ] n. 自恋者

15) riverbed [5rivEbed] n. 河床

16) exile [ 5eksail ] v. 放逐

17) identical [ ai5dentikEl] a. 同样的

18) gamekeeper [5geim-ki:pE] n. 动物看守者

19) Hogwarts [hgwC:z] n. 《哈利·波特》书中的魔法学校。

20) squid [ skwid ] n. 乌贼

21) millennia [mi`leniE] n. millenium(千年)的复数

22) Kraken [ 5krB:kEn ] n. 挪威传说中的北海巨妖

23) dwell [ dwel ] v. 居住

24) centaur [ 5sentC: ] n. 希腊神话中人首马身的怪物

25) illusive [ i5lu:siv ] a. 幻影的,虚假的

26) unicorn [ 5ju:nikC:n ] n. 独角兽,麒麟

27) horn [hC:n] n. 角

28) Arthurian [ a:5WjuEriEn ] a. 亚瑟王的

29) parallel [ 5pArElel ] n. 类似,相似物

30) spirit away 神秘地带走

31) Camelot [ 5kAmilCt ] n. 英国传说中亚瑟王宫殿所在地

32) dissimilar [ di5similE ] a. 不一样的,不同的

33) saga [ 5sB:^E ] n. 英雄传奇

34) unfold [ Qn5fEuld ] v. 开展,显露

35) uncover [ Qn5kQvE ]v. 揭露,揭开

36) muggle [`mQ^l] n. 在《哈利·波特》书中,会巫术的人称不会巫术的凡人为“麻瓜”。

