
 "Why not? I don't know, but I heard that gamboge ghost of a Fedallah saying so, and he seems to know all about ships' charms. "为什么就不会翻身?"我不知道,不过,我听说那个叫做费达拉的藤黄鬼子就这么说,他似乎懂得有关船只的一切法术。

But I sometimes think he'll charm the ship to no good at last. 不过,我有时候想,到头来,他的法术会把船都弄垮了。
I don't half like that chap, Stubb. 我一点儿也不喜欢那家伙,斯塔布。
Did you ever notice how that tusk of his is a sort of carved into a snake's head, Stubb? 你可注意过,那家伙那副长牙,好象连蛇头也啃得动似的,斯塔布?
Sink him! I never look at him at all; 去他妈的!我根本就从来不去望他;
but if ever I get a chance of a dark night, and he standing hard by the bulwarks, and no one by; 不过,要是有朝一日,我在黑夜里有机会碰到他恰巧紧靠在舷墙边,旁边又一个人都没有的时候;
look down there, Flask—pointing into the sea with a peculiar motion of both hands—"Aye, will I! 哼,就叫他下去,弗拉斯克,——他双手作了个特殊姿势,指着海里——"是呀,我会干的!
Flask, I take that Fedallah to be the devil in disguise. 弗拉斯克,我把那个费达拉当做个化了装的恶魔。
Do you believe that cock and bull story about his having been stowed away on board ship? 你可相信关于他偷偷上船的无稽之谈嘛?
He's the devil, I say. 我说,他就是个恶魔。
The reason why you don't see his tail, is because he tucks it up out of sight; he carries it coiled away in his pocket, I guess. 你所以没有看到他那根辫子,是因为他把它卷得教人看不见了,我想,他把它盘好后藏在口袋里。
Blast him! now that I think of it, he's always wanting oakum to stuff into the toes of his boots." 该死的东西!啊,我又想起来了,他老在找填絮塞进他的靴头。"
He sleeps in his boots, don't he? 他不是穿着靴子睡的吗?
He hasn't got any hammock; but I've seen him lay of nights in a coil of rigging. 他并没有吊铺;我还看到他晚上躺在一堆索具里。
No doubt, and it's because of his cursed tail; he coils it down, do ye see, in the eye of the rigging. 毫无问题,这就是因为他那该死的辫子的缘故;你可知道,他是把它盘在索具中间的孔眼里的。
What's the old man have so much to do with him for? 老头儿干吗跟他如此关系密切呢?
Striking up a swap or a bargain, I suppose. 大概是想干一场大买卖吧,我想。
Bargain?—about what? 大买卖?——是哪一种的?