
 Damn the devil, Flask; do you suppose I'm afraid of the devil? 该死的恶魔,弗拉斯克;大概你认为我怕那个恶魔吧?

Who's afraid of him, except the old governor who daresn't catch him and put him in double-darbies, as he deserves, 谁怕他呀,怕他的只有那个老司令官,他竟不敢把他捉了,给他加上应得的双副手铐,
but lets him go about kidnapping people; aye, and signed a bond with him, that all the people the devil kidnapped, he'd roast for him? 却让他到处去拐人;哼,还跟他订了合同,说是恶魔拐到的那些人,还得代他烤呢!
There's a governor!" 竟有这样的司令官!"
Do you suppose Fedallah wants to kidnap Captain Ahab? 你想费达拉要拐亚哈船长么?
Do I suppose it? You'll know it before long, Flask. 岂只是我想?你不久就会知道,弗拉斯克。
But I am going now to keep a sharp look-out on him; 不过,我打从现在起,要好好地对他留一下神;
and if I see anything very suspicious going on, I'll just take him by the nape of his neck, and say—Look here, Beelzebub, you don't do it; 要是我看到有什么很可怀疑的事情,我就干脆抓起他的头颈骨,对他说——听着,魔王,你不要耍花样了,
and if he makes any fuss, by the Lord I'll make a grab into his pocket for his tail, 要是他吵吵闹闹,那么,老天在上,我就打他口袋里拉出他那根辫子来,
take it to the capstan, and give him such a wrenching and heaving, that his tail will come short off at the stump—do you see; 把它拿到绞盘上,给它一顿扭绞,弄得他那根辫子只剩一小截,——你知道嘛;
and then, I rather guess when he finds himself docked in that queer fashion, 我寻思,等他发觉自己缩成那副怪模样的时候,
he'll sneak off without the poor satisfaction of feeling his tail between his legs. 他就会偷偷地走了,完全没有那种夹住尾巴的穷乐趣。
And what will you do with the tail, Stubb? 那么,你打算拿那根辫子怎么办呢,斯塔布?
Do with it? Sell it for an ox whip when we get home;—what else? 怎么办?到我们回家的时候,把它当牛鞭子卖了算啦;——还要怎么办?
Now, do you mean what you say, and have been saying all along, Stubb? 那么,你所说的,你这一路上所说的这些话,究竟是什么意思呢,斯塔布?
Mean or not mean, here we are at the ship. 意思不意思,总之我们到船边啦。
The boats were here hailed, to tow the whale on the larboard side, 这时,船上在招呼那两只小艇了,为了要把大鲸拖到左边,
where fluke chains and other necessaries were already prepared for securing him. 一切需要缚住它的铁链和其它各种必需的工具都已经准备停当,放在那里了。
Didn't I tell you so? said Flask; "yes, you'll soon see this right whale's head hoisted up opposite that parmacety's." 我不是跟你这样说过吗?弗拉斯克说,"不是吗,再一会儿,你就可以看到这只露脊鲸头挂在那只抹香鲸头的对面了。"
In good time, Flask's saying proved true. 弗拉斯克说的话,及时得到证实。