
 Chapter 74 The Sperm Whale's Head—Contrasted View 第七十四章 抹香鲸头——对比图第七十四章抹香鲸头——对比图

Here, now, are two great whales, laying their heads together; let us join them, and lay together our own. 现在,这儿有两条大鲸,它们两只头凑在一起;我们不妨也跟它们一道,把我们自己的头凑在一起吧。
Of the grand order of folio leviathans, the Sperm Whale and the Right Whale are by far the most noteworthy. 在大号的对开式大海兽中,算抹香鲸和露脊鲸最为著名。
They are the only whales regularly hunted by man. 它们就是人类经常捕猎的一种大鲸。
To the Nantucketer, they present the two extremes of all the known varieties of the whale. 在南塔开特人看来,它们代表着一切已知的鲸类之两极。
As the external difference between them is mainly observable in their heads; 因为它们外表上的不同,主要就表现在它们的头上;
and as a head of each is this moment hanging from the Pequod's side; 而因为此刻这两只头是各挂在"裴廓德号"的两侧;
and as we may freely go from one to the other, by merely stepping across the deck: 我们只消跨过甲板,就可以随意看看这只,望望那只:
where, I should like to know, will you obtain a better chance to study practical cetology than here? 请问,你要实地研究鲸类学,哪里找得到比这更好的机会?
In the first place, you are struck by the general contrast between these heads. 首先,你准会被这两只头的一般差别吓了一跳。
Both are massive enough in all conscience; 那两只头的的确确很大;
but, there is a certain mathematical symmetry in the Sperm Whale's which the Right Whale's sadly lacks. 不过,可惜抹香鲸头的那种精密匀称却是露脊鲸所没有的。
There is more character in the Sperm Whale's head. 抹香鲸头还具有更多的特征。
As you behold it, you involuntarily yield the immense superiority to him, in point of pervading dignity. 当你对它谛视一番,凭它那种赫赫威仪,就会教你不由自主地对它那无限的尊严心悦诚服。
In the present instance, too, 在现在这一实例中,
this dignity is heightened by the pepper and salt color of his head at the summit, giving token of advanced age and large experience. 这种威仪更其登峰造极,因为它那头顶心有着显出年高德劭、阅历丰富的胡椒和食盐的色泽。