
 unless, indeed, your fancy has been fixed by the technical term "crown" also bestowed upon it; 除非是你的想法确实已经着眼在它那另一个专门名称"王冠"上。

in which case you will take great interest in thinking how this mighty monster is actually a diademed king of the sea, 如果是这样的话,你就会极感兴趣地揣思起来,这大怪物怎么实际上就是海上的有冠之王,
whose green crown has been put together for him in this marvellous manner. 它那顶绿帽子竟是这样希奇古怪地掇拾拢来的。
But if this whale be a king, he is a very sulky looking fellow to grace a diadem. 不过,如果这条鲸是个国王,那它就正是一个戴了王冠、相貌十分阴森的家伙。
Look at that hanging lower lip! 瞧它那低挂的下唇!
what a huge sulk and pout is there! 多么阴森又多么倔气呀!
a sulk and pout, by carpenter's measurement, about twenty feet long and five feet deep; 这个又阴森又倔气的东西,根据木匠的尺寸,约莫有二十来英尺长,五英尺纵深;
a sulk and pout that will yield you some 500 gallons of oil and more. 这个又阴森又倔气的东西,却会给你出产五百多加仑的油量。
A great pity, now, that this unfortunate whale should be hare-lipped. 真可惜,你瞧,这条不幸的鲸竟然是兔唇。
The fissure is about a foot across. 那裂隙约近一英尺阔。
Probably the mother during an important interval was sailing down the Peruvian coast, when earthquakes caused the beach to gape. 大概它母亲在紧要关头时分,循着秘鲁沿海下游游去时,恰好碰上地震把海滩震裂了的缘故。
Over this lip, as over a slippery threshold, we now slide into the mouth. 我们象跨过一个滑溜溜的门槛似的,跨过这片嘴唇,已经不知不觉地走进它的嘴里了。
Upon my word were I at Mackinaw, I should take this to be the inside of an Indian wigwam. 要是我在马启诺海峡的话,我准会以为是走进了一间印第安人的小屋。
Good Lord! is this the road that Jonah went? 天呀!这就是约拿走过的路么?
The roof is about twelve feet high, and runs to a pretty sharp angle, as if there were a regular ridge-pole there;  屋顶约有十二英尺高,斜成一个很锐的角度,仿佛有一根齐整的栋梁撑在那里似的;
while these ribbed, arched, hairy sides, present us with those wondrous, half vertical, scimitar-shaped slats of whalebone, 那嶙峋起伏、拱弯而毛茸茸的两边,就教我们看到了那些奇奇怪怪、半垂直的、弯刀形的鲸须,
say three hundred on a side, which depending from the upper part of the head or crown bone,  大约一边有三百根,都从头颅或者冠骨的上部挂下来,
form those Venetian blinds which have elsewhere been cursorily mentioned.  形成我们已在别处略为提过的那种细长窗帘。