
 As every one knows, these same "hogs' bristles," "fins," "whiskers," "blinds," or whatever you please, 如所周知,这种叫做"猪鬃","鳍状物","胡须","细长帘子"或者随你高兴怎样称呼的东西,

furnish to the ladies their busks and other stiffening contrivances. 就正是供太太们做勒腰带和其它硬衬的小玩儿的材料。
But in this particular, the demand has long been on the decline. 不过,在这方面说来,需求早已日趋消退。
It was in Queen Anne's time that the bone was in its glory, the farthingale being then all the fashion. 这种须骨的黄金时代,还是在安恩女王的时代,当时盛行着用鲸骨箍来张大女人的裙子。
And as those ancient dames moved about gaily, though in the jaws of the whale, as you may say; 虽然当那些古代美人在快活自如地走来走去的时候,也许你会说,好象是在鲸嘴里走动那样,
even so, in a shower, with the like thoughtlessness, do we nowadays fly under the same jaws for protection; 正如我们在今天,遇上一场阵头雨,会同样毫不思索地飞快跑到那嘴里去躲躲雨一样,
the umbrella being a tent spread over the same bone. 雨伞本来就是蒙在这种须骨上的一个帐幕。
But now forget all about blinds and whiskers for a moment, and, standing in the Right Whale's mouth, look around you afresh. 现在我们暂且把有关细长帘子和胡须这些东西搁在一边,站到露脊鲸的嘴里去,重新来看一看四周的景致吧。
Seeing all these colonnades of bone so methodically ranged about, 看到所有这些非常有条不紊地排列着的廊柱似的须骨头,
would you not think you were inside of the great Haarlem organ, and gazing upon its thousand pipes? 难道你不会以为置身在那种哈尔雷姆的大风琴里面,正在瞅着它那无数的声管么?
For a carpet to the organ we have a rug of the softest Turkey—the tongue, which is glued, as it were, to the floor of the mouth. 说到要有一条通向风琴的地毯,我们就有一条最柔软的土耳其地毯——舌头,它仿佛是粘着在嘴巴的地板上。
It is very fat and tender, and apt to tear in pieces in hoisting it on deck. 这条舌头,又肥又嫩,如果把它拉上甲板,很容易把它撕成片片。
This particular tongue now before us; at a passing glance I should say it was a six-barreler; 现在摆在我们面前的这条舌头,我眼睛一掠,就会说它是只六大桶的东西;
that is, it will yield you about that amount of oil. 就是说,它大约可以为你出产如此数量的油来。