
 my God! poor Tashtego—like the twin reciprocating bucket in a veritable well, dropped head-foremost down into this great Tun of Heidelburgh, 天呀!可怜的塔斯蒂哥——象只竖井的往复轮替的吊桶一般,头一冲,直掉进了那只海德堡大桶里去了,

and with a horrible oily gurgling, went clean out of sight! 而且,随着一阵可怕的咯咯油声后,就此完全不见踪影。
Man overboard! cried Daggoo, who amid the general consternation first came to his senses. 人掉下去啦!大个儿高声大叫起来,在惊惶失措的人群中,他是第一个定过神来的人。
"Swing the bucket this way!" and putting one foot into it, "把桶甩到这边来!"于是他把一只脚跨进去,
so as the better to secure his slippery hand-hold on the whip itself the hoisters ran him high up to the top of the head, 以便先抓住那滑溜溜的小滑车上的把手,下边那些拉滑车的人就把他高高升起,升到那只鲸头上边,
almost before Tashtego could have reached its interior bottom. 可是在塔斯蒂哥差不多还没有落到最底里去的时候,
Meantime, there was a terrible tumult. 又发生一阵惊人的大哄乱了。
Looking over the side, they saw the before lifeless head throbbing and heaving just below the surface of the sea, 人们掠过船舷望去,看到那只先前毫无生气的鲸头正在水平线下面直腾直跳,
as if that moment seized with some momentous idea; 仿佛那时它又起了什么大念头似的;
whereas it was only the poor Indian unconsciously revealing by those struggles the perilous depth to which he had sunk. 其实,不过是那个可怜的印第安人,在他冲了进去的那个可怕的深渊里挣扎,无意间所引起的罢了。
At this instant, while Daggoo, on the summit of the head, was clearing the whip 这时,大个儿已经甩掉了小滑车,站在那只鲸头上,
which had somehow got foul of the great cutting tackles—a sharp cracking noise was heard; 那只小滑车,不知怎地,却撞到了那架大复滑车,发出一阵清晰可闻的克拉拉声。
and to the unspeakable horror of all, one of the two enormous hooks suspending the head tore out, 叫大家都吓得开不出口来的是,那两只吊着鲸头的大钩中,有一只已经给扯脱了,
and with a vast vibration the enormous mass sideways swung, till the drunk ship reeled and shook as if smitten by an iceberg. 于是,一阵大震动,那只大头就侧斜地晃晃荡荡,真教这艘如喝醉了酒的大船,象陷进了冰块般晃个不停。
The one remaining hook, upon which the entire strain now depended, seemed every instant to be on the point of giving way; 那一只还钩牢着的钩子(现在只有全仗它独力支撑了),看来好象随时都有支持不住的可能;
an event still more likely from the violent motions of the head. 而那只剧烈晃动的鲸头也好象更有随时脱钩的可能。