
 Chapter 81 The Pequod Meets The Virgin 第八十一章"裴廓德号"遇到"处女号"

The predestinated day arrived, and we duly met the ship Jungfrau, Derick De Deer, master, of Bremen. 命定的日子到来了,我们及时遇到了"处女号",它的船长德立克·德·第尔,是个不来梅人。
At one time the greatest whaling people in the world, the Dutch and Germans are now among the least; 曾经是世界上最伟大的捕鲸民族的荷兰人和德国人,如今已是默默无闻了,
but here and there at very wide intervals of latitude and longitude, you still occasionally meet with their flag in the Pacific. 不过,每隔很长一段时间,还能偶尔在太平洋上看到他们的国旗。
For some reason, the Jungfrau seemed quite eager to pay her respects. 不知什么缘故,这艘"处女号"显得很急于要跟"裴廓德号"请个安。
While yet some distance from the Pequod, she rounded to, 它跟"裴廓德号"还隔着一段路的时候,船头就当风停下来,
and dropping a boat, her captain was impelled towards us, impatiently standing in the bows instead of the stern. 放下一只小艇,它的船长迫不及待地望着我们,他焦灼地站在船头,而不是站在船梢上。
What has he in his hand there? cried Starbuck, pointing to something wavingly held by the German. 嗳,他手里拿着什么呀?斯达巴克指着那个德国人拿在手里的、甩来甩去的东西,嚷道。
"Impossible!—a lamp-feeder!" "一只灯油壶!——不会吧!"
Not that, said Stubb, "no, no, it's a coffee-pot, Mr. Starbuck; 绝对不是,斯塔布说,"不是,不是,那是一只咖啡壶,斯达巴克先生;
he's coming off to make us our coffee, is the Yarman; 他是要来给我们煮咖啡的,这是个强门人;
don't you see that big tin can there alongside of him?—that's his boiling water. 你没有看到他旁边还有一只大铁罐么?——那就是滚水。
Oh! he's all right, is the Yarman." 啊!不错,他是个强门人。"
Go along with you, cried Flask, "it's a lamp-feeder and an oil-can. 去你的吧,弗拉斯克叫道,"那是一只灯油壶跟一只油罐子。
He's out of oil, and has come a-begging." 他没有油啦,要来跟我们讨些油了。"
However curious it may seem for an oil-ship to be borrowing oil on the whale-ground, 尽管这件事看来是多么希奇:一只鲸油船竟会在捕鲸渔场上向人家借油,
and however much it may invertedly contradict the old proverb about carrying coals to Newcastle, yet sometimes such a thing really happens; 尽管那句送煤送到纽卡斯尔的老俗谚是多么的自相矛盾,然而,这种事情,往往倒是真的会发生的;