
 They left a great, wide wake, as though continually unrolling a great wide parchment upon the sea. 它们撇下一条又阔又粗的水痕,直象一张阔大的羊皮纸,在海上不断地摊开来。

Full in this rapid wake, and many fathoms in the rear, swam a huge, humped old bull,  在这条急激的水痕中,靠后边几十英尺的地方,臃臃肿肿地游着一条硕大的、背峰隆起的老鲸,
which by his comparatively slow progress, as well as by the unusual yellowish incrustations over-growing him, 从它那进展相当迟缓的游速,浑身是一种罕见的淡黄色看来,
seemed afflicted with the jaundice, or some other infirmity. 它似乎是害着黄疸病,或者其它什么病症。
Whether this whale belonged to the pod in advance, seemed questionable; 究竟这条鲸是否跟前边的同群,似乎也成问题,
for it is not customary for such venerable leviathans to be at all social. 因为象这样年高德劭的大鲸,按例总是落落寡合的。
Nevertheless, he stuck to their wake, though indeed their back water must have retarded him, 但是,它却紧跟在它们后面,虽然事实上,前边的鲸群撇下的水浪一定很妨碍它的前进,
because the white-bone or swell at his broad muzzle was a dashed one, like the swell formed when two hostile currents meet. 因为它那张大嘴喷出来的就是一股浪沫飞溅的急流,好象是两支敌对的激流相遇时所形成的浪涛。
His spout was short, slow, and laborious; 它的喷水很短很慢,很费力气;
coming forth with a choking sort of gush, and spending itself in torn shreds, followed by strange subterranean commotions in him, 它不住地涌出一大阵闭气似的喷水,四散纷飞,好象它体内有种奇特的骚动,
which seemed to have egress at his other buried extremity, causing the waters behind him to upbubble. 它那深掩在水里的另一端也有排泄物,使得它身后的水浪咕噜咕噜地冒着泡。
Who's got some paregoric? said Stubb, "he has the stomach-ache, I'm afraid. 哪一个有鸦片酊?斯塔布说,"我怕它闹肚子痛。
Lord, think of having half an acre of stomach-ache! 天呀,看它那半英亩大的身体,竟闹起肚子来!
Adverse winds are holding mad Christmas in him, boys. 逆风正在它肚皮里举行圣诞节狂欢呢,伙伴们。
It's the first foul wind I ever knew to blow from astern; but look, did ever whale yaw so before? 这种从后面吹过来的逆风,我倒是生平第一遭看到的;从来可有过这样乱驶的鲸么?
it must be, he's lost his tiller." 它一定是丢了舵柄了。"