
 However, Starbuck, who had the ordering of affairs, hung on to it to the last; hung on to it so resolutely, indeed,  尽管负责指挥全盘工作的斯达巴克,想坚持要干到底,想非常坚决地坚持下去,

that when at length the ship would have been capsized, if still persisting in locking arms with the body; 可是,事实上,如果还是这样一个劲儿要死抱住这个尸体不放,那最后连这只船也难免要翻身;
then, when the command was given to break clear from it, 于是,等到他不得不下令把它放掉的时候,
such was the immovable strain upon the timber-heads to which the fluke-chains and cables were fastened, that it was impossible to cast them off. 那些缚着锚爪和大缆的圆柱却缚得动都无法动,要放也无法放了。
Meantime everything in the Pequod was aslant. 这时,"裴廓德号"上的一切东西都侧斜了。
To cross to the other side of the deck was like walking up the steep gabled roof of a house. 要跨到对面甲板去,犹如爬上山形墙的屋顶。
The ship groaned and gasped. 船在呻吟哮喘。
Many of the ivory inlayings of her bulwarks and cabins were started from their places, by the unnatural dislocation. 而且,由于这种不自然的斜侧,许多嵌镶在舷墙和舱房上的牙骨物都要脱落下来了。
In vain handspikes and crows were brought to bear upon the immovable fluke-chains, to pry them adrift from the timberheads; 人们拿木梃和铁撬来敲击这些缚在圆柱上的锚爪,想把它撬挖开来,可是都不见效;
and so low had the whale now settled that the submerged ends could not be at all approached, 而这只鲸现在又宕得如此低,根本连露在水面上的尾部也撩不到了,
while every moment whole tons of ponderosity seemed added to the sinking bulk, and the ship seemed on the point of going over. 每时每刻,好象都有成吨成吨的重量加在这只行将下沉的体躯上,船也好象就要翻过去了。
Hold on, hold on, won't ye? 抓牢呀,抓牢呀,好不好,你们?
cried Stubb to the body, "don't be in such a devil of a hurry to sink! 斯塔布对大家叫道,"别这样慌慌张张,怕它下沉!
By thunder, men, we must do something or go for it. 真的!伙伴们,我们总得想些什么办法,另外找些什么东西才行。
No use prying there; 这样撬撬挖挖是毫无用处的。
avast, I say with your handspikes, and run one of ye for a prayer book and a pen-knife, and cut the big chains." 我说,放下你们的木梃,那一个赶快去找一本祷告书和一柄小刀来,把这些大索链给割掉算啦。"
Knife? Aye, aye, cried Queequeg, and seizing the carpenter's heavy hatchet, 小刀吗?有,有,魁魁格叫道,他抓起一只木匠用的大斧头后,
he leaned out of a porthole, and steel to iron, began slashing at the largest fluke-chains. 就弯身探出舷窗,把斧头磨了一下,开始对那些顶大的锚爪乱砍乱斩。