
   Thy bosom is endeared with all hearts, Which I by lacking have supposed dead, 你胸怀珍贵,因为你胸藏一切心上人,我和他们无缘,曾以为他们全都丧生。

  And there reigns love and all love's loving parts, 在你那胸腔里,爱及爱的一切可爱的品行,
  And all those friends which I thought buried. 都和我曾以为葬身其内的朋友共处一尊。
  How many a holy and obsequious tear 对死者热烈、虔诚的眷恋曾偷走
  Hath dear religious love stol'n from mine eye 我圣洁、哀伤的泪儿如涌泉奔流,
  As interest of the dead, which now appear, But things removed that hidden in thee lie! 而今回首,才明白这些过世的幽魂,不过是移居另处,安住在你的胸襟。
  Thou art the grave where buried love doth live, 你庇护着我埋葬了的爱,你是孤坟,
  Hung with the trophies of my lovers gone, 坟内满挂着我那些过世恋人的战利品,
  Who all their parts of me to thee did give; 他们把我的一片痴心都转赠给你消受,
  That due of many now is thine alone: 于是许多人共有的爱而今你独自占有。
  Their images I loved I view in thee, 在你的身上我看见我那些情人的形象,
  And thou, all they, hast all the all of me. 你是他们全体,我的一切都是你的收藏。