
   Those lines that I before have writ do lie, 曾写过说我爱你到极点的诗行,

  Even those that said I could not love you dearer: 我今儿却要宣布这些全都是谎。
  Yet then my judgment knew no reason why My most full flame should afterwards burn clearer. 可我那时的确说不出个道理,为什么日后我的情火会烧得更旺。
  But reckoning time, whose million'd accidents 假如我当时想到有千百万次
  Creep in 'twixt vows and change decrees of kings, 时光会推翻盟誓,改变圣旨,
  Tan sacred beauty, blunt the sharp'st intents, 使绝色美人变黑,挫败大略雄图,
  Divert strong minds to the course of altering things; 壮志凌云终难改无常的时序——
  Alas, why, fearing of time's tyranny, 唉,慑于时间的暴戾专横,
  Might I not then say 'Now I love you best,' 我那时干吗不说“我现在最最爱你”,
  When I was certain o'er incertainty, 既然我那时已觉胜券在握,
  Crowning the present, doubting of the rest? 虽知来日不可追,毕竟可使今朝喜?
  Love is a babe; then might I not say so, 爱是幼婴;那时我的话不可能这样,
  To give full growth to that which still doth grow? 为的是那成长中的婴儿全面地成长。