
   Were 't aught to me I bore the canopy, 我但高举华盖,想用外表来张扬

  With my extern the outward honouring, 堂皇的门面,或是为所谓百世流芳
  Or laid great bases for eternity, 奠下伟大的根基,这一切有什么用?
  Which prove more short than waste or ruining? 到头来无非是更久的毁灭与荒凉。
  Have I not seen dwellers on form and favour Lose all, and more, by paying too much rent, 难道我不曾目睹那些租借表面排场的人赔尽了血本仍敌不住租金的高昂?
  For compound sweet forgoing simple savour, 厌倦了单调之味偏求杂拌浓汤,
  Pitiful thrivers, in their gazing spent? 穷困的富翁荡产倾家只图个表面辉煌。
  No, let me be obsequious in thy heart, 不,让我的忠诚在你的心中长保不衰,
  And take thou my oblation, poor but free, 收下吧,我这里把绵薄但纯情的贡品奉上。
  Which is not mix'd with seconds, knows no art, 它只是我们之间推心置腹的赠礼,
  But mutual render, only me for thee. 毫不含次品杂质,可谓朴率无双。
  Hence, thou suborn'd informer! a true soul When most impeach'd stands least in thy control. 哦,你们这些诬告诽谤者,滚开吧,真心似金,岂是你流言之火所能伤!