
   Lo! as a careful housewife runs to catch One of her feather'd creatures broke away, 看呀,当一只家禽跑出了围栏,细心的主妇拔腿便去追赶,

  Sets down her babe and makes an swift dispatch In pursuit of the thing she would have stay, 她放下了孩子,飞奔而去,紧紧追着她想到手的心肝。
  Whilst her neglected child holds her in chase, 她那没人照管的孩子则随踪其后,
  Cries to catch her whose busy care is bent To follow that which flies before her face, 嚷叫哀号,而她却一门心思冲向前,穷追不舍从腿底逃掉的雄鸡,
  Not prizing her poor infant's discontent; 毫不理睬孩子可怜的哭喊。
  So runn'st thou after that which flies from thee, 我也是你的儿童,远循着你的行踪,
  Whilst I thy babe chase thee afar behind; 你呢,也在追逐离你而去的负心汉。
  But if thou catch thy hope, turn back to me, And play the mother's part, kiss me, be kind: 求你一旦抓住了心愿,便回身向我,作一个好妈蚂,吻我,对我慈善。
  So will I pray that thou mayst have thy 'Will,' 呵,只要你回过身来止住我的悲鸣,
  If thou turn back, and my loud crying still. 我就会祝愿你,让你快活无限。