冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第1167期:第五十六章 丹妮莉丝(2)(在线收听

   I am tired of the maegi's braying, Dany told Jhogo. “我听够了巫魔女的废话。”丹妮对乔戈说。

  He took his whip to her, and after that the godswife kept silent. 他取出鞭子交给她,在那之后,女祭司沉默了。
  Over the carcass of the horse, they built a platform of hewn logs; 他们拿柴薪在马尸上堆起一座平台,
  trunks of smaller trees and limbs from the greater, and the thickest straightest branches they could find. 用上了小树的主干、大树的枝桠,以及所有能找到的最粗最直的枝条。
  They laid the wood east to west, from sunrise to sunset. 他们将木柴从东摆到西,象征日升到日落,
  On the platform they piled Khal Drogo's treasures: his great tent, his painted vests, his saddles and harness, 然后在平台上放置卓戈卡奥的宝物:他的大帐篷、他的彩绘背心、他的马鞍和缰绳、
  the whip his father had given him when he came to manhood, the arakh he had used to slay Khal Ogo and his son, a mighty dragonbone bow. 他成年时父亲所赠的马鞭、他那把曾击杀奥戈卡奥父子的亚拉克弯刀,还有他巨大的龙骨长弓。
  Aggo would have added the weapons Drogo's bloodriders had given Dany for bride gifts as well, but she forbade it. 阿戈原本要把卓戈的血盟卫赠与丹妮作新娘礼的武器也放上去,却被她阻止。
  "Those are mine," she told him, "and I mean to keep them." “那些是我的东西,”她对他说,“我要留着。”
  Another layer of brush was piled about the khal's treasures, and bundles of dried grass scattered over them. 卡奥的宝物上又铺了一层灌木枝条,然后放上几捆干草。
  Sir Jorah Mormont drew her aside as the sun was creeping toward its zenith. "Princess... " he began. 太阳逐渐朝天顶爬去,乔拉·莫尔蒙爵士把她拉到一边。“公主殿下……”他开口。
  Why do you call me that? Dany challenged him. "My brother Viserys was your king, was he not?" “你为何如此称呼我?”丹妮质问他,“我哥哥韦赛里斯从前是你的国王,不是吗?”
  He was, my lady. “是的,小姐。”
  Viserys is dead. I am his heir, the last blood of House Targaryen. Whatever was his is mine now. “如今韦赛里斯死了,我就是他的继承人,是坦格利安家族的最后血脉,过去属于他的东西,现在都是我的。”