Robert Redford(在线收听



 (Scene from Out of Africa.)  

He was one of the biggest stars of the 70’s but in the 80’s and 90’s he found himself having to give more of his time to 1)Sundance. He also began directing. He says it was all 2)wearing him out, and keeping him from his first love, acting. So now, at 64, for the first time in years, he is starring in two movies 3)back to back, The Last Castle and Spy Game.

Interviewer: When you do this, is it still as much fun as it always was?

Redford: Yes, it is. The doing is fun. I mean I always had fun as an actor. It’s not easy, and it’s in a way, a kind of 4)agony, but there’s something wonderful and fun about it.

Interviewer: Agony?

Redford: Yeah, because of the threats to, your concentration, your focus, I mean there’s a lot of it. It’s not easy.   

But one who had, was the one who suggested him for the film, Paul Newman.

Paul Newman: At that point, I was playing Sundance and somebody else was to play Butch.

Interviewer: Brando?

Newman: One of them, yeah.

Interviewer: And then you found that the two of you had, what, together?

Newman: After about a week of 5)rehearsal we knew we were on to something pretty good.(Scene from Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid.)

Newman: I’ll jump first. Redford: No.

Newman: Then you jump first.

Redford: No, I said.

Newman: What’s the matter with you?

Redford: I can’t swim!(Newman bursts into laughs.)

Newman: It was the most fun I’e ever had making a film. Because I just got to do stuff I used to like to do, playing around.

Interviewer: It is said that your advice to younger actors “is to make sure you have another life.”

Redford: Have another life because it keeps you open to a bigger part of yourself rather than shrinking back down. Have another life because this is a tough business. It’s a cruel, often brutal, business to your psyche. Have another life to spare yourself. Have another life because, think of how beautiful it is when you bring that other life into your main life. That’s been my main thing, and that’s what it is for me. CE





















1) Sundance: 圣丹斯电影节,由罗伯特·雷德福一手创办,是专为没有名气的电影人和影片设立的独立制片电影节。每年在美国犹他州的帕克城举行,为期11天。经过多年积累,这个美国本土的小电影节已成为独立制片业的重要精神支柱,许多好莱坞的新锐导演都视其为执导主流商业大片的跳板。而好莱坞大制片公司要找新秀,Sundance是不容错过的人力资源库。

2) wear out: 使某人精疲力竭,消瘦

3) back to back: 紧接

4) agony [5agEni] n. 极大的痛苦

5) rehearsal [ri5hE:sl] n. 排练,演习
