旅游口语情景对话 第354天:如何描述伦敦之旅(在线收听

 I'd like to visit the famous spots in London. Could you please tell me what they are? 想参观伦教的名胜,可以麻烦您告诉我有哪些吗?

I'd like to visit the famous spots in London. Could you please tell me what they are? 想参观伦教的名胜,可以麻烦您告诉我有哪些吗?
Well, the British Museum, Buckingham Palace, the House of Parliament, Big Ben and Oxford Street are all tourist attractions in the city.  好的,大英傅物馆,白金汉宫,国会大厦,大本钟和牛津街都是该城的旅游景点。
Among them the palace is the place you should never miss, because it's quite unique. 其中,你千万不要错过白金汉宮,因为它非常独特。
What do you think has impressed you most in London? 伦敦给你印象最深的是什么?
What do you think has impressed you most in London? 伦教给你印象最深的是什么?
There are so many things that have left a deep impression on me.  很多东西都给我留下了很深的印象,
There is one thing worth mentioning at least Although the buildings there seem old-fashioned, they have a peculiar flavor of their own. 至少有一件事值得一提。虽然伦敦的建筑物看上去都是老式的,但它们独具风格。