美国学生人类历史 第109期:罗马帝国的衰亡(2)(在线收听

 But the underlying causes of the decay of the State, of which I have told you in a former chapter, had not been removed and reform therefore was impossible. 不过正如我在上一章讲过的,罗马帝国的根基已经锈蚀,造成它衰败的深层原因从未被弄清楚,因此任什么改革都不能挽救其注定灭亡的命运。

Rome was, first and last and all the time, a city-state as Athens and Corinth had been city-states in ancient Hellas. 从根本上说,罗马首先且一直是一个城邦,跟古希腊的雅典或科林斯并无多大区别。
It had been able to dominate the Italian peninsula. 它有足够的能力主宰整个意大利半岛。
But Rome as the ruler of the entire civilised world was a political impossibility and could not endure. 可要作整个文明世界的统治者,罗马从政治上说是不合格的,从实力上讲是无法承受的。
Her young men were killed in her endless wars. 它的年轻人大多数死于常年的战争。
Her farmers were ruined by long military service and by taxation. 它的农民被沉重的军役和赋税拖垮,
They either became professional beggars or hired themselves out to rich landowners 不是沦为职业乞丐,就是受雇于富有的庄园主,
who gave them board and lodging in exchange for their services and made them "serfs," those unfortunate human beings 以劳动换取食宿,成为依附于富人们的"农奴"。这些不幸的农民既非奴隶,
who are neither slaves nor freemen, but who have become part of the soil upon which they work, like so many cows, and the trees. 也不是自由民,他们像树木和牲畜一样,成为他们所侍奉的那块土地上的附属品,终身无法离开。
The Empire, the State, had become everything. 帝国的荣耀是最高目标。
The common citizen had dwindled down to less than nothing. 国家意味着一切,普通公民则什么也不是。
As for the slaves, they had heard the words that were spoken by Paul. 至于悲惨的奴隶,他们兴奋地倾听保罗宣讲的言辞,
They had accepted the message of the humble carpenter of Nazareth. 接受了那位谦卑的拿撒勒木匠所散布的福音。
They did not rebel against their masters. 他们并不反抗自己的主人,
On the contrary, they had been taught to be meek and they obeyed their superiors. 相反,他们被教导要温柔顺从,尽力遵照主人的意旨行事。
But they had lost all interest in the affairs of this world which had proved such a miserable place of abode. 不过,既然眼前的世界无非是一个悲惨的寄身之所,不能有所改进,奴隶们也就全然丧失了对现世的兴趣。
They were willing to fight the good fight that they might enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. 他们宁愿"打那美好的仗",为进人天堂乐土而倾力付出。