美国学生人类历史 第128期:穆罕默德(7)(在线收听

 But in the year 732 (one hundred years after the death of the prophet,) they were beaten in a battle between Tours and Poitiers. 不过公元732年,就是穆罕默德逝世100年后,在图尔和普瓦捷之间发生了一场欧亚大会战,穆斯林军队被击败。

On that day, Charles Martel (Charles with the Hammer) the Frankish chieftain, saved Europe from a Mohammedan conquest. 在那一天,法兰克人的首领查理·马泰尔(绰号铁锤查理)拯救了欧洲,使基督教世界免遭穆斯林的征服。
He drove the Moslems out of France, but they maintained themselves in Spain where Abd-ar-Rahman founded the Caliphate of Cordova, which became the greatest centre of science and art of medieval Europe. 穆斯林军队被赶出了法兰西,但他们依然占据着西班牙。阿布德·艾尔·拉赫曼在此建立了科尔多瓦哈里发国,成为欧洲中世纪最伟大的科学和艺术中心。
This Moorish kingdom, so-called because the people came from Mauretania in Morocco, lasted seven centuries. 这个穆斯林王国统治西班牙长达7个世纪,
It was only after the capture of Granada, the last Moslem stronghold, in the year 1492, that Columbus received the royal grant which allowed him to go upon a voyage of discovery. 历史上也称摩尔王国,因为它的统治者来自摩洛哥的毛里塔尼亚地区。一直到穆斯林在欧洲的最后一个堡垒,格拉纳达于1492年陷落之后,哥伦布才得到西班牙皇室的 委任状,授权他进行地理大发现的历史性航行。
The Mohammedans soon regained their strength in the new conquests which they made in Asia and Africa and to-day there are as many followers of Mohammed as there are of Christ. 不久之后,穆斯林又积聚力量,在亚洲和非洲征服了许多土地。到今天,穆罕默德追随者的人数几乎与基督徒一样多。