美国学生人类历史 第168期:中世纪的城市(12)(在线收听

 This, in a very general way, is what happened during the centuries which followed the Crusades. 在十字军东征之后的几个世纪时间里,这种情形在欧洲各地普遍发生。

It was a slow process, this gradual shifting of power from the castle to the city. 当然,权力由封建城堡向城市的转移,是一个缓慢而逐渐的过程。
There was some fighting. A few tailors and jewellers were killed and a few castles went up in smoke. 时不时的,也发生过一些流血战斗,有几个裁缝和珠宝商被杀,有数座孤零零的城堡被焚毁。
But such occurrences were not common. 不过,这样极端的事件并不多见。
Almost imperceptibly the towns grew richer and the feudal lords grew poorer. 几乎是不知不觉的,城镇变得越来越富有,封建领主却越来越穷。
To maintain themselves they were for ever forced to exchange charters of civic liberty in return for ready cash. The cities grew. 为维持自己的排场,开销一直很大,封建主总是被迫拿放宽公民自由的特许权来交换他们急需的现金。城市不断地成长壮大,
They offered an asylum to run-away serfs who gained their liberty after they had lived a number of years behind the city walls. 甚至敢于收留逃跑的农奴。当他们在城墙背后居住若干年后,就获得了新的身份和宝贵的自由。
They came to be the home of the more energetic elements of the surrounding country districts. 同时,城市也吸引着附近乡村地区的精力充沛、天性活跃的分子,取代了城堡的中心位置,他们为自己新获得的重要地位深感骄傲。
They were proud of their new importance and expressed their power in the churches and public buildings 沿着几个世纪以来一直进行着鸡蛋、绵羊、蜂蜜、盐等等商品的以货易货交易的古老市场周围,
which they erected around the old market place, where centuries before the barter of eggs and sheep and honey and salt had taken place. 他们新建起教堂和公共建筑,在此聚会、讨论,公然表达他们的权利。
They wanted their children to have a better chance in life than they had enjoyed themselves. 他们期望子女们获得比自己更好的生活机遇,
They hired monks to come to their city and be school teachers. 便出钱雇佣僧侣到城市来做学校教师。
When they heard of a man who could paint pictures upon boards of wood, they offered him a pension 当他们听说有某个巧匠能够在木版上画出美妙的图画,就慷慨地许以重金,
if he would come and cover the walls of their chapels and their town hall with scenes from the Holy Scriptures. 请他来把教堂和市政厅的四壁涂满金碧辉煌的圣经图画。
Meanwhile his Lordship, in the dreary and drafty halls of his castle, saw all this up-start splendour and regretted the day 与此同时,年老体衰的公爵大人坐在自己潮湿透风的城堡大厅里,看着这一切欣欣向荣的暴富景象,不由得悔从心生。
when first he had signed away a single one of his sovereign rights and prerogatives. 他想起那倒霉透顶的一天,他稀里糊涂地签署了第一张出卖自己封建特权的许可状。这看起来就像是一个无伤大雅的小小施与,可事情怎么就落到了这个地步呢?
But he was helpless. The townspeople with their well-filled strong-boxes snapped their fingers at him. 大人后悔不迭,但已无计可施。那些保险箱被特许状和文件塞得满满的镇民,如今他们对公爵大人已是不屑一顾。、他们还对他伸指头呢!
They were free men, fully prepared to hold what they had gained by the sweat of their brow 他们变成了自由人,已经充分准备好享受他们新获得的权利。要知道,这些权利可是他们额头流汗,
and after a struggle which had lasted for more than ten generations. 经过十几代人的持续斗争才辛苦得来的呀!