英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第80期:第六章 惊悚故事(6)(在线收听

 We picked our way down to the beach, Mike leading the way to a ring of driftwood logs that had obviously been used for parties like ours before.  我们循路走下沙滩,迈克在前头领路,把我们带向一圈圆浮木。显然,这圈浮木之前也曾为像我们这样的成群结队的旅人服务过。

There was a fire circle already in place, filled with black ashes.  那里有个摆得恰到好处的篝火堆,上面铺满了黑色的灰烬。
Eric and the boy I thought was named Ben gathered broken branches of driftwood from the drier piles against the forest edge,  埃里克和另一个男孩——我想他的名字是本——从树林边缘干燥的木头堆里收集了不少破碎的浮木块,
and soon had a teepee-shaped construction built atop the old cinders. 然后很快在那些经年累月的灰烬上垒起了一个摇摇晃晃的木架。
"Have you ever seen a driftwood fire?" Mike asked me. “你见过浮木篝火吗?”迈克问我。
I was sitting on one of the bone-colored benches;  我坐在其中一张骨白色的长凳上,
the other girls clustered, gossiping excitedly, on either side of me.  别的女孩都聚在一起,兴奋地说着闲话,坐在了我的另一边。
Mike kneeled by the fire, lighting one of the smaller sticks with a cigarette lighter. 迈克跪在篝火旁,正在用打火机点燃其中一根比较细的干枝。
"No," I said as he placed the blazing twig carefully against the teepee. “没有。”我说,看着他把那个熊熊燃烧着的细枝小心地放到那堆摇摇晃晃的木架上。
"You'll like this then — watch the colors."  “那你一定会喜欢这个的——看它的颜色。”
He lit another small branch and laid it alongside the first.  他点燃了另一根树枝,并排着放到刚才那根树枝旁。
The flames started to lick quickly up the dry wood. 火焰开始迅速地吞没着干燥的木块。
"It's blue," I said in surprise. “那是蓝色的!”我惊讶地说。
"The salt does it. Pretty, isn't it?" He lit one more piece, placed it where the fire hadn't yet caught, and then came to sit by me.  “因为有盐。很漂亮,对吧?”他又点燃了一片木屑,放到木架上火还没烧到的地方,然后过来坐到我旁边。
Thankfully, Jess was on his other side. She turned to him and claimed his attention.  谢天谢地,杰西坐在他的另一边。她转向他,努力吸引他的注意力。
I watched the strange blue and green flames crackle toward the sky. 我看着那堆古怪的蓝绿色火焰冲着天空劈啪作响。