英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第91期:第六章 惊悚故事(17)(在线收听

 "What do you mean, 'civilized'?" “你说的‘文明开化’是什么意思?”

"They claimed that they didn't hunt humans. “他们声称他们不会狩猎人类。
They supposedly were somehow able to prey on animals instead." 以此类推,他们大概能在某种程度上用捕食动物来替代。”
I tried to keep my voice casual. 我试图让自己的声音显得漫不经心些:
"So how does it fit in with the Cullens? Are they like the cold ones your greatgrandfather met?" “那这跟卡伦一家有什么关系呢?他们很像你的曾祖父所遇到的那群冷族吗?”
"No." He paused dramatically. "They are the same ones." “不是的。”他故意顿了顿。“他们是同一群人。”
He must have thought the expression on my face was fear inspired by his story. He smiled, pleased, and continued. 他一定认为,我脸上恐惧的表情纯粹是被他的故事吓出来的。他开心地笑了,然后继续说道。
"There are more of them now, a new female and a new male, but the rest are the same. “现在他们的人数增加了,又增加了一个新来的女性和一个新来的男性,但剩下的还是原来那帮人。
In my great-grandfather's time they already knew of the leader, Carlisle. 在我曾祖父的时代,他们就已经听说过那个领导者,卡莱尔。
He'd been here and gone before your people had even arrived." He was fighting a smile. 他来过这里,然后在你们的人到达以前就走了。”他抗拒地一笑。
"And what are they?" I finally asked. "What are the cold ones?" “他们究竟是什么?”我最终问道。“冷族到底是什么?”
He smiled darkly. 他阴郁地笑了。
"Blood drinkers," he replied in a chilling voice. "Your people call them vampires." “饮血者。”他用冷漠的语气答道。“你们的人称他们为吸血鬼。”