英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第134期:第八章 天使港(19)(在线收听

 He handed me the jacket, interrupting my ogling. 他把夹克递给我,打断了我含情脉脉的凝视。

"Thanks," I said again, sliding my arms into his jacket. “谢谢。”我又说了一遍,这才把胳膊套进他的夹克里。
It was cold—the way my jacket felt when I first picked it up in the morning, hanging in the drafty hallway. 这件衣服很凉——就像是我那件一直挂在通风的走廊里的夹克,早上第一次穿上时的感觉。
I shivered again. It smelled amazing. 我又哆嗦了一下。这衣服闻起来很不错。
I inhaled, trying to identify the delicious scent. 我深吸了一口气,想要分辨出这股甜腻的香气是什么。
It didn't smell like cologne. 闻起来不像是古龙水的味道。
The sleeves were much too long; I shoved them back so I could free my hands. 袖子太长了,我把袖子推上去,好让我的双手解放出来。
"That color blue looks lovely with your skin," he said, watching me. “这种蓝色和你的肌肤很是相衬。”他看着我说道。
I was surprised; I looked down, flushing, of course. 我很惊讶,只得低下了头,理所当然地脸红了。
He pushed the bread basket toward me. 他把那一篮面包推到我面前。
"Really, I'm not going into shock," I protested. “真的,我根本就没受到打击。”我反对道。
"You should be—a normal person would be. You don't even look shaken." He seemed unsettled. “你本来应该会的——正常人都会受到打击。你看上去不为所动。”他似乎有些动摇。
He stared into my eyes, and I saw how light his eyes were, lighter than I'd ever seen them, golden butterscotch. 他凝视着我的眼睛。而我看到了,他的眼睛是那么的明亮,比我见过的任何一次都要更明亮,是一种金色的奶糖的颜色。
"I feel very safe with you," I confessed, mesmerized into telling the truth again. “和你在一起让我感到很安全。”我坦白道,又一次被他催眠着说出了实话。
That displeased him; his alabaster brow furrowed. He shook his head, frowning. 这是他有点不快。他摇了摇头,皱了皱眉他光滑白皙的眉毛。
"This is more complicated than I'd planned," he murmured to himself. “这比我计划的还有复杂。”他低声自言自语道。
I picked up a breadstick and began nibbling on the end, measuring his expression. 我一边拿起一个烘焙面包卷,开始一小口一小口地把它吃完,一边估摸他的表情。
I wondered when it would be okay to start questioning him. 我想知道什么时候才适合向他提问。
"Usually you're in a better mood when your eyes are so light," I commented, trying to distract him from whatever thought had left him frowning and somber. “当你的眼睛如此明亮的时候,你的心情通常都会比较好。”我评价道,试图把他的注意力从那个让他皱着眉闷闷不乐的想法里转移过来。
He stared at me, stunned. "What?" 他吃惊地看着我。“什么?”
"You're always crabbier when your eyes are black—I expect it then," I went on. "I have a theory about that." “当你的眼睛是黑色的时候,你总要更暴躁些——我想是这样的。”我继续说道。“我有一套关于这个的理论。”