英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第157期:第十章 审问(5)(在线收听

 "A little help?" I pleaded. "What does she want to know?" “给点提示?”我恳求道。“她想知道什么?”

He shook his head, grinning wickedly. "That's not fair." 他摇了摇头,坏心地咧嘴一笑:“这不公平。”
"No, you not sharing what you know—now that's not fair." “不,你不分享你知道的内容——那才叫不公平。”
He deliberated for a moment as we walked. 我们一边走,他一边仔细思考着。
We stopped outside the door to my first class. 我们停在了我要上第一堂课的教室外。
"She wants to know if we're secretly dating. And she wants to know how you feel about me," he finally said. “她想知道我们是不是在偷偷地约合。还有她想知道你对我的感觉。”他最终说道。
"Yikes. What should I say?" I tried to keep my expression very innocent. “呀。那我该怎么说?”我努力让自己的表情显得非常无辜。
People were passing us on their way to class, probably staring, but I was barely aware of them. 人们从我们身旁走过去上课,也许在盯着我们看,但我几乎没有注意到他们。
"Hmmm." He paused to catch a stray lock of hair that was escaping the twist on my neck and wound it back into place. “呃。”他停下来,抓住一缕迷路的,从我脖子上的发卷里逃离出来的头发,把它缠绕回原处。
My heart spluttered hyperactively. 我的心过度亢奋地砰砰乱跳。
"I suppose you could say yes to the first... if you don't mind—it's easier than any other explanation." “我料想,你最好对第一个问题说是……如果你不介意的话——这比任何其他解释都要容易得多。”
"I don't mind," I said in a faint voice. “我不介意。”我用微弱的声音说道。
"And as for her other question...well, I'll be listening to hear the answer to that one myself." “至于另一个问题……嗯,我会自己去听答案的。”
One side of his mouth pulled up into my favorite uneven smile. 他的一侧嘴角微微扬起,露出我最喜欢那个不对称的撇嘴坏笑。
I couldn't catch my breath soon enough to respond to that remark. He turned and walked away. 我来不及稳住自己的呼吸,对那个备注作出回应。他转身走开了。
"I'll see you at lunch," he called over his shoulder. “我们午餐时见。”他从肩膀上向我喊道。
Three people walking in the door stopped to stare at me. 三个人正要走进门的人停下来盯着我看。
I hurried into class, flushed and irritated. He was such a cheater. 我冲进教室,又羞又恼。他这个卑鄙小人。
Now I was even more worried about what I was going to say to Jessica. 现在我更担心自己要跟杰西卡说什么了,
I sat in my usual seat, slamming my bag down in aggravation. 我愤怒地把包砰地一声扔在座位上。
"Morning, Bella," Mike said from the seat next to me. “早上好,贝拉。”迈克坐在我旁边的位置上招呼道。
I looked up to see an odd, almost resigned look on his face. "How was Port Angeles?" 我抬起头,看见了他脸上古怪,甚至有些讨好的神情。“天使港怎么样?”
"It was..." There was no honest way to sum it up. “这……”这可没办法如实汇报。
"Great," I finished lamely. "Jessica got a really cute dress." “棒极了。”虽然我的情况不完全是这样。“杰西卡买了一条非常可爱的裙子。”
"Did she say anything about Monday night?" he asked, his eyes brightening. “她有谈到周一晚上的事吗?”他问道,他的眼睛闪闪发亮。
I smiled at the turn the conversation had taken. 话题居然转到了这上面,我不由得笑了起来。
"She said she had a really good time," I assured him. “她说她过得非常愉快。”我让他放心。
"She did?" he said eagerly. “她真的这样说?”他急切地问道。
"Most definitely." “千真万确。”
Mr. Mason called the class to order then, asking us to turn in our papers. 马森老师让全班都听他说话,要我们把论文交上去。
English and then Government passed in a blur, 英语课和接下来的课都在一片模糊中过去了,
while I worried about how to explain things to Jessica 我一直在担心着要怎么跟杰西卡解释,
and agonized over whether Edward would really be listening to what I said through the medium of Jess's thoughts. 同时为爱德华是否真的会以杰西的思想为媒介听到我说的话而焦虑不安。
How very inconvenient his little talent could be—when it wasn't saving my life. 他的小小天赋是多么的让人不便啊——当它不是用来救我的命的时候。