英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第181期:第十一章 复杂(10)(在线收听

 I laughed. "I guess that's right. I suppose I slept just a little bit more than you did." 我大笑起来:“我猜想也是。我估计我只比你多睡了一点点。”

"I'd wager you did." “我敢打赌你确实如此。”
"So what did you do last night?" I asked. “那么,你昨晚做了什么?”我问道。
He chuckled. "Not a chance. It's my day to ask questions." 他轻笑起来:“你没机会了。今天可是我提问的日子。”
"Oh, that's right. What do you want to know?" “哦,没错。你想知道什么?”
My forehead creased. I couldn't imagine anything about me that could be in any way interesting to him. 我的额头皱了起来。我想象不出自己有什么能引起他的兴趣。
"What's your favorite color?" he asked, his face grave. “你最喜欢的颜色是?”他问道,表情很认真。
I rolled my eyes. "It changes from day to day." 我转了转眼睛:“每天都不一样。”
"What's your favorite color today?" He was still solemn. “你今天最喜欢的颜色是?”他依然郑重其事地问道。
"Probably brown." I tended to dress according to my mood. “大概是棕色。”我向来根据自己的心情来穿衣服。
He snorted, dropping his serious expression. "Brown?" he asked skeptically. 他哼了一声,终于丢下了一本正经的表情。“棕色?”他怀疑地问道。
"Sure. Brown is warm. I miss brown. “没错。棕色很温暖。我想念棕色。
Everything that's supposed to be brown—tree trunks, rocks, dirt—is all covered up with squashy green stuff here," I complained. 所有应该是棕色的东西——树干,岩石,泥土——在这里都被软塌塌的绿色覆盖住了。”我抱怨道。
He seemed fascinated by my little rant. 他似乎对我激昂的演说很是着迷。
He considered for a moment, staring into my eyes. 他想了一会儿,然后看进了我的眼睛里。
"You're right," he decided, serious again. "Brown is warm." “你是对的。”他决断道,又严肃了起来。“棕色很温暖。”
He reached over, swiftly, but somehow still hesitantly, to sweep my hair back behind my shoulder. 他敏捷地伸出手,但不知怎的,还是迟疑着,把我的头发拂回我的肩后。
We were at the school by now. 就在这时,我们到学校了。
He turned back to me as he pulled into a parking space. 当他把车开进一个停车位的时候,他回过头来看着我。