英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第183期:第十一章 复杂(12)(在线收听

 Such as the time he asked my favorite gemstone, and I blurted out topaz before thinking. 比方说,他问我最喜欢的珠宝的那次,我红着脸不假思索地说出了黄水晶。

He'd been flinging questions at me with such speed 他用这样的速度滔滔不绝地提问,
that I felt like I was taking one of those psychiatric tests where you answer with the first word that comes to mind. 让我觉得自己像是在做某种心理测试,就是要求你的答案必须是第一时间想到的那个词的那种。
I was sure he would have continued down whatever mental list he was following, except for the blush. 我敢肯定,他会根据脑海里的问题清单不停地问下去,除非是我脸红了。
My face reddened because, until very recently, my favorite gemstone was garnet. 而我脸红则是因为,直到最近,我最喜欢的珠宝还是石榴石。
It was impossible, while staring back into his topaz eyes, not to remember the reason for the switch. 只要注视着他黄水晶一样的眼眸,我就不可能想不起转变的理由。
And, naturally, he wouldn't rest until I'd admitted why I was embarrassed. 而很自然地,他会不停地发问直到我坦白交代我为什么会局促不安为止。
"Tell me," he finally commanded after persuasion failed—failed only because I kept my eyes safely away from his face. “告诉我。”在说服以失败告知后,他最终命令道——会失败仅仅是因为我让目光安全地远离他的脸。
"It's the color of your eyes today," I sighed, surrendering, staring down at my hands as I fiddled with a piece of my hair. “那是今天你的眼睛的颜色。”我叹息着,投降了。我把玩着自己的一缕头发,眼睛盯着自己的手看。
"I suppose if you asked me in two weeks I'd say onyx." “我猜要是你两个星期以后问我的话,我会说是黑玛瑙。”
I'd given more information than necessary in my unwilling honesty, 出于我并不情愿的诚实,我给出了更多的信息,尽管这毫无必要。
and I worried it would provoke the strange anger that flared whenever I slipped and revealed too clearly how obsessed I was. 而且我开始担心这会不会引爆他那奇怪的怒火,每当我不小心透露得太多自己是如此的着迷时,他都会这样。
But his pause was very short. 但他只停顿了很短的时间。
"What kinds of flowers do you prefer?" he fired off. “你喜欢什么花?”他又开始一连串的提问了。
I sighed in relief, and continued with the psychoanalysis. 我宽慰地松了口气,然后继续接受他的心理分析。
Biology was a complication again. 生物课又一次变得复杂起来。
Edward had continued with his quizzing up until Mr. Banner entered the room, dragging the audiovisual frame again. 爱德华继续着他的随堂口试,直到班纳老师走进教室,又把那个视听教学箱拖进来为止。
As the teacher approached the light switch, I noticed Edward slide his chair slightly farther away from mine. It didn't help. 当老师走过去把灯关掉的时候,我注意到爱德华稍稍把椅子向我挪开了一点。这没用。
As soon as the room was dark, there was the same electric spark, 当教室暗下来的时候,和昨天一样,那种电流又开始闪动着火光,
the same restless craving to stretch my hand across the short space and touch his cold skin, as yesterday. 那种永不止息的渴望又在敦促着我的手伸过那段短短的距离,触碰他冰冷的肌肤。