英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第191期:第十二章 平衡(3)(在线收听

 He got the plates in silence. I hoped he would let it drop now. 他沉默着走过去拿盘子。我希望他现在不要再提这件事了。

"So who was it?" he asked, setting two plates on the counter next to me. “那么,他是谁?”他问道,把两个盘子放到了我旁边的流理台上。
I sighed in defeat. "Edward Cullen." 我挫败地叹了口气。“爱德华·卡伦。”
To my surprise, he laughed. I glanced up at him. He looked a little embarrassed. 出乎我意料的是,他大笑起来。我抬起头看着他,他看上去有一点窘迫不安。
"Guess that explains it, then," he said. "I wondered why my dad was acting so strange." “那么,我猜这解释了一切。”他说道。“我还在奇怪为什么我爸表现得那么古怪呢。”
"That's right." I faked an innocent expression. "He doesn't like the Cullens." “非常正确。”我装出一副无辜的神情。“他不喜欢卡伦一家。”
"Superstitious old man," Jacob muttered under his breath. “迷信的老男人。”雅克布用几不可闻的声音抱怨道。
"You don't think he'd say anything to Charlie?" I couldn't help asking, the words coming out in a low rush. “你不认为他会对查理说什么吗?”我情不自禁地问道,这些话低声地脱口而出。
Jacob stared at me for a moment, and I couldn't read the expression in his dark eyes. 雅克布注视了我一会儿,我读不懂他黑眼睛里的神情。
"I doubt it," he finally answered. “我不能肯定。”他最终答道。
"I think Charlie chewed him out pretty good last time. “我想上次查理把他狠狠地训斥了一顿。
They haven't spoken much since—tonight is sort of a reunion, I think. I don't think he'd bring it up again." 从那以后他们就没怎么说过话——今晚有点重聚的意味,我想。我不认为他会再提起这件事。”
"Oh," I said, trying to sound indifferent. “哦。”我说道,试图让自己听起来漠不关心一些。
I stayed in the front room after I carried the food out to Charlie, pretending to watch the game while Jacob chattered at me. 在我把食物拿给查理以后,我一直待在前厅里。当雅克布喋喋不休地和我说话时,我假装在看比赛。
I was really listening to the men's conversation, watching for any sign that Billy was about to rat me out, trying to think of ways to stop him if he began. 我是在认真听着大人的对话,寻找着任何比利打算密告我的迹象,试着想出他开口时打断他的方法。
It was a long night. I had a lot of homework that was going undone, but I was afraid to leave Billy alone with Charlie. Finally, the game ended. 这是一个漫长的夜晚。我有很多作业要做,但我不敢让比利和查理单独相处。最终,比赛结束了。
"Are you and your friends coming back to the beach soon?" Jacob asked as he pushed his father over the lip of the threshold. “你和你的朋友最近会再去海滩吗?”当雅克布把他爸爸推过门槛时,他问道。