英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第193期:第十二章 平衡(5)(在线收听

 "Oh yeah," he muttered. Then he smiled at me apologetically. “哦是的。”他喃喃自语道。然后他认错地向我微笑着。

"So I guess it's good you'll be gone Saturday... “那么我猜,你这周六出去会相当不错……
I've made plans to go fishing with the guys from the station. 我计划和署里的家伙一起去钓鱼。
The weather's supposed to be real warm. 那天的天气应该会相当暖和。
But if you wanted to put your trip off till someone could go with you, I'd stay home. 但如果你想推迟你的旅程,直到有人能跟你一起去的话,我会待在家里。
I know I leave you here alone too much." 我知道我老是让你一个人待在这里。”
"Dad, you're doing a great job." I smiled, hoping my relief didn't show. “爸爸,你做得相当不错。”我微笑着,希望我的宽慰没有表现出来。
"I've never minded being alone—I'm too much like you." “我从不介意一个人待着——我和你太相似了。”
I winked at him, and he smiled his crinkly-eyed smile. 我向他眨了眨眼,而他露出了那个眯着眼的笑容。
I slept better that night, too tired to dream again. 这天晚上我睡得更好些,因为太累了所以没有做梦。
When I woke to the pearl gray morning, my mood was blissful. 当我在这个珍珠灰色的早晨醒来时,我的心情简直乐翻了天。
The tense evening with Billy and Jacob seemed harmless enough now; I decided to forget it completely. 昨晚和比利和雅各布相处时的紧绷的神经似乎没有缓解了,我觉得彻底忘记它。
I caught myself whistling while I was pulling the front part of my hair back into a barrette, 当我用一个夹子把刘海往后别起来的时候,我发现自己在吹口哨,
and later again as I skipped down the stairs. 而稍后我跳着下楼时又吹了一声。
Charlie noticed. 查理注意到了。
"You're cheerful this morning," he commented over breakfast. “你今天早上似乎很快活。”吃完早餐后他评价道。
I shrugged. "It's Friday." 我耸耸肩:“今天是星期五。”
I hurried so I would be ready to go the second Charlie left. 我相当匆忙,这样我就能在查理离开的那一秒准备好。
I had my bag ready, shoes on, teeth brushed, 我整理好书包,穿上鞋,刷完牙,
but even though I rushed to the door as soon as I was sure Charlie would be out of sight, Edward was faster. 甚至在一确定查理走出视线范围的时候我就冲出了门,但爱德华更快。
He was waiting in his shiny car, windows down, engine off. 他已经在他那辆银光闪闪的车旁等着了。车窗摇了下来,引擎已经关掉了。
I didn't hesitate this time, climbing in the passenger side quickly, the sooner to see his face. 这一次我没再犹豫,飞快地爬进了乘客座,更快地看见了他的脸。
He grinned his crooked smile at me, stopping my breath and my heart. 他冲我弯弯一笑,停下了我的呼吸和心跳。
I couldn't imagine how an angel could be any more glorious. 我没法想象比他更美的天使了。
There was nothing about him that could be improved upon. 他身上没有什么还能再改进的了。