英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第203期:第十二章 平衡(15)(在线收听

 With everything ready for the morning, I finally lay in my bed. 等到一切为明天做的准备都做完以后,我终于躺到了床上。

I felt hyper; I couldn't stop twitching. 我感到既兴奋又紧张。我没法停止翻来覆去。
I got up and rifled through my shoebox of CDs until I found a collection of Chopin's nocturnes. 我起身在用力装CD的鞋盒里翻找着,直到我找到一张肖邦的小夜曲合辑。
I put that on very quietly and then lay down again, concentrating on relaxing individual parts of my body. 我让它安静地播放着,然后又躺下了,全神贯注地放松我身体的某些特定部分。
Somewhere in the middle of that exercise, the cold pills took effect, and I gladly sank into unconsciousness. 在进行到这种练习的某个地方时,感冒药生效了,我愉快地陷入了昏睡之中。
I woke early, having slept soundly and dreamlessly thanks to my gratuitous drug use. 我醒得很早,幸亏我无端的服用药物,我一夜无梦酣眠。
Though I was well rested, I slipped right back into the same hectic frenzy from the night before. 虽然我休息得很好,我还是立刻陷入了昨晚那种头脑发热的狂乱中。
I dressed in a rush, smoothing my collar against my neck, fidgeting with the tan sweater till it hung right over my jeans. 我急急忙忙地穿上衣服,抚平脖子上的衣领,不停地摆弄那件棕褐色的毛衣直到它稳稳当当地盖过我的牛仔裤为止。
I sneaked a swift look out the window to see that Charlie was already gone. 我鬼鬼祟祟地向窗外看了一眼,看见查理已经走了。
A thin, cottony layer of clouds veiled the sky. 一层絮状的薄云遮蔽了天空。
They didn't look very lasting. 它们看上去不会持续太久的。
I ate breakfast without tasting the food, hurrying to clean up when I was done. 我食不知味地吃完了早餐,然后赶紧去把碗洗干净。
I peeked out the window again, but nothing had changed. 我又一次向窗口偷看,但什么都没有改变。
I had just finished brushing my teeth and was heading back downstairs when a quiet knock sent my heart thudding against my rib cage. 我刚刚刷完牙,回到楼下的时候,一阵安静的敲门声响了起来,我的心脏宛如小鸟一般在我的肋骨筑成的笼子里砰然乱撞。
I flew to the door; I had a little trouble with the simple dead bolt, but I yanked the door open at last, and there he was. 我飞奔到门口,在打开那个简单的插销时遇到了一点困难,但我最终把门拉开了,而他就在那里。
All the agitation dissolved as soon as I looked at his face, calm taking its place. 当我看到他的脸的那一刻,所有的兴奋都烟消云散了,被平静取而代之。
I breathed a sigh of relief—yesterday's fears seemed very foolish with him here. 我如释重负地松了一口气——他在这里,昨天的恐惧显得非常荒谬。
He wasn't smiling at first—his face was somber. 起初他并没有微笑——他的脸色很严峻。
But then his expression lightened as he looked me over, and he laughed. 但在他上上下下地把我检查了一遍以后,他的神情明朗起来,他笑了。
"Good morning," he chuckled. “早上好。”他轻笑着说。
"What's wrong?" “怎么了?”
I glanced down to make sure I hadn't forgotten anything important, like shoes, or pants. 我低头审视着,确认自己没有忘记任何重要的细节,比方说鞋子,或者裤子。
"We match." “我们很般配。”
He laughed again. 他又笑了起来。
I realized he had a long, light tan sweater on, with a white collar showing underneath, and blue jeans. 我意识到他穿了一件长长的浅棕褐色毛衣,底下穿了一件白色的衬衫,还有蓝色的牛仔裤。
I laughed with him, hiding a secret twinge of regret—why did he have to look like a runway model when I couldn't? 我和他一起笑了起来,藏住了一阵隐秘的后悔的刺痛——为什么他就非得看上去像个时装模特,而我却不能呢?
I locked the door behind me while he walked to the truck. 在我锁门的时候,他向卡车走去。
He waited by the passenger door with a martyred expression that was easy to understand. 他在乘客门那儿等着,脸上写着很容易读懂的受难的表情。
"We made a deal," I reminded him smugly, climbing into the driver's seat, and reaching over to unlock his door. “我们约好的。”我沾沾自喜地提醒他,爬进驾驶座,伸出手给他打开门。
"Where to?" I asked. “去哪儿?”我问道。
"Put your seat belt on—I'm nervous already." “系上你的安全带——我已经开始紧张了。”
I gave him a dirty look as I complied. 我狠狠地瞪了他一眼,这才顺从了他的命令。
"Where to?" I repeated with a sigh. “去哪儿?”我叹了口气,重复道。
"Take the one-oh-one north," he ordered. “开上北边的101国道。”他下令道。