【大家说英语】 第214期:来打网球吧!(2)(在线收听

 July 21 7月21日

Read it! 读读看!
The big tennis tournament is today! 网球锦标大赛就要在今天举行了!
Rob and Susie are there to record a report. 罗柏和苏希到比赛现场去录制一篇报导。
King and Rogers are playing their second match. 金恩和罗杰斯将会打他们的第二场比赛。
King already won the first match. 金恩已经赢了第一场,
But don't give up, Rogers! You can get some more points! 可是罗杰斯,不要放弃!你可以多得几分!
Watch the ball bounce quickly on the court. 看球在场上快速地弹跳。
Who will win? Who will lose? 谁会赢呢?谁会输呢?
Tennis is so exciting! 网球真是刺激!
Conversation A 会话A
Susie! Why are you wearing a hat? 苏希!妳为什么戴着帽子?
I'm going outside. 我要到外面去,
Rob and I have to record a report. 罗柏和我必须去录制一篇报导。
Where are you going for your report? 你们要去哪里作报导?
We're going to the tennis court by the river. 我们要去河边的网球场。
Oh. Is there a tennis match today? 哦,今天有网球赛吗?
There's more than one match. 不只一场,
There's a big tennis tournament! 今天有一场网球锦标大赛!
Many famous tennis players will be there. 许多著名的网球选手都会在那里。
Cool! Have fun, Susie! 真酷!苏希,祝妳玩得开心!
Conversation B 会话B
Welcome to the Summer Tennis Tournament! 欢迎来到夏季网球锦标大赛!
We have some great tennis players with us today. 我们今天有几位杰出的网球选手在现场。
King and Rogers are playing their second match. 金恩和罗杰斯正在打他们的第二场比赛。
King is really great! He won the first match. 金恩非常棒!他赢了第一场比赛,
But Rogers is still playing hard! 可是罗杰斯还是打得很努力!
Look! The ball didn't bounce inside the white lines. 看!球没有落在白线内,
That means Rogers gets a point! 这样表示罗杰斯得了一分!
Who will win? Let's keep watching! 谁会赢呢?我们继续看下去吧!
Conversation C 会话C
That was an exciting tennis match between King and Rogers! 金恩对抗罗杰斯的这场网球赛打得真是刺激!
Rogers almost lost. But he didn't give up. 罗杰斯差点输了, 可是他没有放弃,
And in the end, Rogers won! 结果最后赢了!
He was amazing! It was fun to watch him. 他很厉害!看他打球很有趣。
Yes! Tennis is a really great sport. 是啊!网球是一个很棒的运动。
I have a good idea. Let's play tennis sometime! 我有个好主意, 我们找个时间去打网球吧!
Are you sure you want to lose? 你确定你想输吗?