【大家说英语】 第216期:喜欢拍照吗?(在线收听

 Lesson 11 Hobbies 第十一课 嗜好

July 23 7月23日
Do You Like to Take Pictures? 喜欢拍照吗?
Read it! 读读看!
Alex took some pictures. They aren't very good. 亚力克斯拍了一些照片,这些照片拍得不太好,
You can't see the subject. 看不见主题。
Rob gives Alex a tip. 罗柏给亚力克斯一个提示,
He should fill the frame with his subject and not waste any space. 他应该让主题填满镜头的边框,不要浪费任何空间。
Susie doesn't have a camera. 苏希没有相机,
She takes pictures on her phone, though. 但她会用手机照相。
She tells Alex to plan his pictures. 她建议亚力克斯在脑中规划自己想拍的照片,
That's a good point. 这点建议得很好。
Conversation A 会话A
Hey, Alex, what are you doing? 嘿,亚力克斯,你在做什么?
I'm looking at some pictures. I took them last weekend. 我在看一些照片,是我上周末拍的。
Where did you take them? 你在哪里拍的?
I went hiking in the forest. 我到森林里踏青。
I took some great pictures ... I thought. 我原本以为…我拍了一些很棒的照片。
But they're not great? 可是结果不好吗?
No. Look at them. 不好,你看,
They are too dark. You can't see the subject. 照片太黑了,看不见主题。
You're right. 你说得对。
Uh, what is the subject? 呃,主题是什么?
A deer. 一头鹿。
Conversation B 会话B
Oh, I see it. 哦,我看到了,
But it's pretty far away. 可是那头鹿在很远耶。
Yeah. I needed to get closer. 是啊,我应该接近一点拍。
Right. Fill the frame with your subject. 没错,让你的主题填满镜头的边框,
Then you won't waste any space in your picture. 这样你的照片就不会浪费任何空间。
That's a good point. 这点说得好。
To be a good photographer, you need to take a lot of pictures. 要当个好的摄影师,你就必须拍很多照片。
I need more practice. I will shoot more pictures. 我需要更多练习,我会拍更多照片的。
That's a great way to improve! 那是个进步的好方法!
Conversation C 会话C
Susie, do you take a lot of pictures? 苏希,妳常拍照片吗?
I don't take many on a camera. 我用相机拍的不多,
I take them on my phone, though. 可是我会用手机拍照。
I'm trying to take good pictures. 我想拍出好照片,
Do you have any tips? 妳有什么诀窍可以提供给我吗?
Don't be in a hurry. 不要赶。
What do you mean? 什么意思?
Plan your picture. 好好规划你的照片,
Think about how to frame it. 想想要怎么构图,
Think about the light, too. 也要思考光影。
Thanks. Those are good tips. 谢了,这些都是很好的提示。