【大家说英语】 第227期:去吃寿司吧!(在线收听

 Lesson 6 eReport 第六课 英文札记

August 14 8月14日
Let's Eat Sushi! 去吃寿司吧!
Sushi is a famous food from Japan. 寿司是来自日本的一种著名餐点,
But many people around the world love it. 可是在世界各地的许多人都很爱吃。
Sushi is made with rice, seaweed, and seafood. 寿司由米饭、海苔与海鲜做成,
It often has egg and vegetables in it, too. 通常也包有蛋和蔬菜。
Many times the seafood in sushi is raw. 寿司里的海鲜通常是生的,
Some people are afraid to eat raw seafood. 有些人不敢吃生的海鲜,
They don't think raw seafood is safe to eat. 他们认为吃生的海鲜并不安全。
But others don't worry about that. 可是有些人并不担心这一点,
They know raw seafood can be delicious! 他们知道生海鲜很美味!
A California roll is one kind of sushi. 加州寿司卷是寿司的一种。
It is popular because it is easy to make and doesn't have raw seafood. 这种寿司广受喜爱,因为很容易制作,又没有生的海鲜。
You need rice, seaweed, crab, and vegetables. 制作加州寿司卷需要米饭、海苔、蟹肉和蔬菜。
The most important part of any kind of sushi is the rice. 不论是哪一种寿司,最重要的部分都是米饭,
It is mixed with vinegar and sugar. 白饭必须和醋还有糖混合。
To make sushi, you need a small bamboo mat. 要制作寿司,需要一块小小的竹帘。
Place a piece of seaweed on the mat, and put some rice on top of the seaweed. 把一片海苔放在竹帘上,再在海苔上铺上一些米饭,
Make sure the rice covers the seaweed. 米饭要把整张海苔盖住。
Now turn the rice and seaweed over. 接下来,把米饭和海苔翻过来。
The rice should now be on the bamboo mat and the seaweed on top. 现在米饭应该在竹帘上,而海苔则是在顶上。
Put some crab and vegetables on the seaweed. 在海苔上放一些蟹肉和蔬菜。
Now start at one end of the bamboo mat and roll up the rice and seaweed. 接着,从竹帘的一侧开始把米饭和海苔卷起来。
When you finish rolling, push on the mat so that everything holds together. 卷好之后,用力压一压竹帘,让里面的食材紧黏在一起。
Finally, open the mat, and cut the sushi roll into pieces. 最后,摊开竹帘,把寿司卷切成一块块。
Now you can eat it! 这下就可以享用了!