英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第241期:第十四章 精神胜于物质(10)(在线收听

 Then we both heard the sound of tires on the brick driveway, saw the headlights flash through the front windows, down the hall to us. 然后我们都听到了轮胎行走在砖砌的车道上的生气,看见了车灯从前窗里照进来,穿过前厅落到我们身上。

I stiffened in his arms. 我僵在了他的怀里。
"Should your father know I'm here?" he asked. “你父亲应该知道我在这里吗?”他问道。
"I'm not sure..." I tried to think it through quickly. “我不能肯定……”我试图迅速地思考这件事。
"Another time then…" “那么下次吧……”
And I was alone. 然后我又是独自一人了。
"Edward!" I hissed. “爱德华!”我嘘声唤道。
I heard a ghostly chuckle, then nothing else. 我听到一声幽灵般的轻笑,然后什么也听不到了。
My father's key turned in the door. 我父亲正在用钥匙开门。
"Bella?" he called. “贝拉?”他喊道。
It had bothered me before; who else would it be? 这样的问话之前曾经让我困扰过,还能有谁呢?
Suddenly he didn't seem so far off base. 但忽然间他似乎没那么脱离现实了。
"In here." “在这里。”
I hoped he couldn't hear the hysterical edge to my voice. 我希望他没听出我的声音里竭斯底里的味道。
I grabbed my dinner from the microwave and sat at the table as he walked in. 当他走进来的时候,我从微波炉里抓出我的晚餐,坐到了桌子旁。
His footsteps sounded so noisy after my day with Edward. 在我和爱德华度过了一整天以后,他的脚步声听起来格外嘈杂。
"Can you get me some of that? I'm bushed." “能给我也弄一点宽面条吗?我太累了。”
He stepped on the heels of his boots to take them off, holding the back of Edward's chair for support. 他站着把靴子脱下来,抓住爱德华的椅子以保持平衡。
I took my food with me, scarfing it down as I got his dinner. It burned my tongue. 我拿着盘子,一边给他弄晚餐,一边狼吞虎咽地把自己的面条吃完。我的舌头被烫到了。
I filled two glasses with milk while his lasagna was heating, and gulped mine to put out the fire. 当他的面条在加热的时候,我倒了两杯牛奶,然后大口大口地喝着我那杯,好让那团火焰冷却下来。
As I set the glass down, I noticed the milk trembling and realized my hand was shaking. 当我把杯子放下来的时候,我注意到杯里的牛奶在抖动,然后意识到自己的手正在颤抖。
Charlie sat in the chair, and the contrast between him and its former occupant was comical. 查理坐在那张椅子里,他和之前坐在那里的那人之间的对比很是滑稽。
"Thanks," he said as I placed his food on the table. “谢谢。”当我把食物放到桌子上的时候他说道。