英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第288期:第十七章 游戏(13)(在线收听

 Aren't you going to put on your seat belt? “你不打算系上你的安全带吗?”

He threw me a disbelieving look. 他用质疑的眼神看着我。
Then something sunk in. 然后某件事闯入了我的脑海。
Run the whole way? As in, we're still going to run part of the way? My voice edged up a few octaves. “一路上都用跑的?这就是说,我们还得跑上一段路吗?”我的声音不知不觉提高了八个音阶。
He grinned tightly. You're not going to run. 他紧张地咧嘴一笑。“你不必跑。”
I'm going to be sick. “我会晕过去的。”
Keep your eyes closed, you'll be fine. “把眼睛闭上,你会没事的。”
I bit my lip, fighting the panic. 我咬住唇,竭力抑制住恐惧。
He leaned over to kiss the top of my head, and then groaned. I looked at him, puzzled. 他侧过身来,吻了吻我的头顶,然后叹息起来。我困惑地看着他。
You smell so good in the rain, he explained. “雨里的你闻起来很不错。”他解释道。
In a good way, or in a bad way? I asked cautiously. “这是好事,还是坏事?”我谨慎地问道。
He sighed. Both, always both. 他叹了口气。“两者都有,通常都是两者都有。”
I don't know how he found his way in the gloom and downpour,  我不知道他是怎么在一片黑暗和倾盆大雨里找着路的,
but he somehow found a side road that was less of a road and more of a mountain path.  但他终究找到了一条辅路,与其说是马路,不如说是山间小路。
For a long while conversation was impossible, because I was bouncing up and down on the seat like a jackhammer.  有很长一段时间我们根本没办法谈话,因为我一直像只手提钻一样在座位上弹上弹下。
He seemed to enjoy the ride, though, smiling hugely the whole way. 不过,他似乎很喜欢在这样的路上开车,一路上他都在大笑着。
And then we came to the end of the road; the trees formed green walls on three sides of the Jeep.  然后,我们到达了路的尽头。树木筑成了绿色的藩篱,围绕在越野车的三侧。
The rain was a mere drizzle, slowing every second, the sky brighter through the clouds. 雨每一秒都在减弱,已经变成了一种毛毛细雨,云层后的天空变得稍微明亮些了。
Sorry, Bella, we have to go on foot from here. “抱歉,贝拉,从这里开始我们就得走过去了。”
You know what? I'll just wait here. “你知道我怎么打算吗?我会在这里等你。”
What happened to all your courage? You were extraordinary this morning. “你的勇气都到哪里去了?今天早上你还特别勇敢的。”