英语听力 暮光之城·暮色 第385期:第二十五章 一触即发(10)(在线收听

   I don't mind that much. He grinned in relief. His eyes were appraising as they raked quickly over my dress.  “我不那么介意。”他如释重负地咧嘴一笑。他的目光掠过我的裙子,审视着。

  So, should I tell him you said to butt the hell out? he asked hopefully. “那么,我应该告诉他你说让他见鬼去吗?”他满怀希望地问道。
  No, I sighed. Tell him I said thanks. I know he means well. “不,”我叹了口气。“告示他我说谢谢。我知道他是出于好意。”
  The song ended, and I dropped my arms. 音乐结束了,我把胳膊放下来。
  His hands hesitated at my waist, and he glanced at my bum leg. Do you want to dance again? Or can I help you get somewhere? 他的手在我的腰上迟疑着,他瞥了一眼我报废的腿。“你想再跳一曲吗?或者我能带你到别的地方去?”
  Edward answered for me. That's all right, Jacob. I'll take it from here. 爱德华替我作了回答。“好了,雅克布。我会带她走的。”
  Jacob flinched, and stared wide-eyed at Edward, who stood just beside us. 雅克布畏缩了一下,然后睁大眼睛盯着爱德华,他就站在我们身旁。
  Hey, I didn't see you there, he mumbled. I guess I'll see you around, Bella. He stepped back, waving halfheartedly. “嘿,我没看见你在那里。”他含糊地说着。“我猜我们待会儿见,贝拉。”他向后退去,不太情愿地挥着手。
  I smiled. Yeah, I'll see you later. 我笑了。“是的,回见。”
  Sorry, he said again before he turned for the door. “对不起。”他在转身走向门前又说了一遍。