英语听书《海底两万里》第274期 第21章 在陆地上的两天(6)(在线收听

   Finally, at five o'clock in the afternoon, laden with all our treasures, we left the island beach and half an hour later pulled alongside the Nautilus.  到了下午五点的时候,我们装上我们所得的财富,离开了这岛的海岸,半小时后,我们的小艇又靠在诺第留斯号旁边了。

  Nobody appeared on our arrival.  我们到船上的时候,没有一个人出来。
  The enormous sheet-iron cylinder seemed deserted.  这只巨大钢铁板的圆锥筒好像是没有人管,被抛弃了的一般。
  Our provisions loaded on board, I went below to my stateroom.  我们把食物搬上去之后,我就下到我的房间中。
  There I found my supper ready. I ate and then fell asleep. 我看见晚餐已经摆在房中。我吃了饭,便睡觉。
  The next day, January 6: nothing new on board.  第二天,1月6日,船上没有什么消息。
  Not a sound inside, not a sign of life.  内部没有一点声响,没有一点生气。
  The skiff stayed alongside in the same place we had left it.  小艇仍然停在诺第留斯号旁边,就在我们昨天搁下它的地方。
  We decided to return to Gueboroa Island.  我们决定再到格波罗尔岛上去。
  Ned Land hoped for better luck in his hunting than on the day before, and he wanted to visit a different part of the forest. 尼德。兰希望在打猎方面,今天能比昨天运气好一点,他想到树林的另一部分去看一下。
  By sunrise we were off. Carried by an inbound current, the longboat reached the island in a matter of moments. 太阳升起来的时候,我们已经在小艇上了。小艇因有向岛岸冲击的海浪推送,不一会就到了岛上。
  We disembarked, and thinking it best to abide by the Canadian's instincts, we followed Ned Land, whose long legs threatened to outpace us. 我们下了小艇,走上陆地,我想让加拿大人凭直觉来带路或者好一些,因此,我们跟在尼德·兰后面,他的长腿走得很快,时常把我们抛在远远的后面。
  Ned Land went westward up the coast; then, fording some stream beds, he reached open plains that were bordered by wonderful forests.  尼德·兰沿着海岸向西走了一会儿,涉水渡过一些急流,到了高地平原,边缘上尽是令人赞美的树林。
  Some kingfishers lurked along the watercourses, but they didn't let us approach.  有些翠乌在水流边飞来飞去,但它们不让人接近,见人来就飞走。
  Their cautious behavior proved to me that these winged creatures knew where they stood on bipeds of our species,  由于它们的小心警惕,我明白这些飞禽是很知道怎样对付我们这些两足动物的,
  and I concluded that if this island wasn't inhabited, at least human beings paid it frequent visits. 我于是得到结论,即使这岛上没有居民,至少也是常有生人到岛上来。