英语听书《海底两万里》第277期 第21章 在陆地上的两天(9)(在线收听

   They taste like chicken stuffed with truffles, Conseil said. 这味道好像吃香菌长大的母鸡的味儿一般。康塞尔说。

  All right, Ned, I asked the Canadian, now what do you need? 尼德,现在我们还短些什么吗?我问加拿大人。
  Game with four paws, Professor Aronnax, Ned Land replied. All these pigeons are only appetizers, snacks.  还短一只四足的猎物,阿龙纳斯先生。尼德·兰回答,所有这些鸽子、山鸠都不过是零食和小吃。
  So till I've bagged an animal with cutlets, I won't be happy! 因此,只要我还没有打到有排骨肉的动物,我就决不能满意。
  Nor I, Ned, until I've caught a bird of paradise. 尼德,如果我没有捕捉到一只无双鸟,我也不能满意。
  Then let's keep hunting, Conseil replied, but while heading back to the sea.  那么我们继续打猎吧,康塞尔回答,不过要向大海这一边走。
  We've arrived at the foothills of these mountains, and I think we'll do better if we return to the forest regions. 我们已经到了山岭的第一层斜坡,我想再回到森林地带要好些。
  It was good advice and we took it. After an hour's walk we reached a genuine sago palm forest.  康塞尔很有见识,我们就照他的意见办了。
  A few harmless snakes fled underfoot. Birds of paradise stole off at our approach,  走了一小时,我们到了一座真正是西米树的森林。
  and I was in real despair of catching one when Conseil, walking in the lead, stooped suddenly, gave a triumphant shout,  有些不伤人的蛇在我们脚下逃走了。无双鸟看见我们走近就飞开。当我十分失望,没有办法捉到它们的时候,走在我前面的康塞尔,忽然弯下身子,发出胜利的呼喊,
  and came back to me, carrying a magnificent bird of paradise. 拿着一只十分好看的无双鸟走近我身边来。
  Oh bravo, Conseil! I exclaimed. 好!你成功了!康塞尔,我喊。
  Master is too kind, Conseil replied. 先生,不敢当,您过奖了。康塞尔回答。
  Not at all, my boy. That was a stroke of genius, catching one of these live birds with your bare hands! 不,好小伙子,你真是做了一件出奇的事哩。弄到一只洁的无双鸟,把它捉在手里,真了不得!
  If master will examine it closely, he'll see that I deserve no great praise. 如果先生细心地考查它一下,那就可以看到我实在没有什么多大的功劳。
  And why not, Conseil? 康塞尔,为什么呢?
  Because this bird is as drunk as a lord.Drunk? 因为这鸟像鹌鹑一般醉了。醉了吗?
  Yes, master, drunk from the nutmegs it was devouring under that nutmeg tree where I caught it. See, Ned my friend, see the monstrous results of intemperance! 是的,先生,它在豆寇树下吃豆寇吃醉了,我就在树下把它捉到。尼德好朋友,请您看看这贪吃贪喝、过度任性的可怕结果吧!
  Damnation! the Canadian shot back. Considering the amount of gin I've had these past two months, you've got nothing to complain about! 怪话!加拿大人回答,我这两个月来只是喝了一些真尼酒,实在用不着责备我!