英语听书《海底两万里》第278期 第21章 在陆地上的两天(10)(在线收听

   Meanwhile I was examining this unusual bird. Conseil was not mistaken.  我于是检查一下这只奇异的鸟。康塞尔没有搞错。

  Tipsy from that potent juice, our bird of paradise had been reduced to helplessness.  无双乌被豆寇汁迷醉了,使得它瘫软无力。它不能飞,走路也很困难。
  It was unable to fly. It was barely able to walk. But this didn't alarm me, and I just let it sleep off its nutmeg. 但我用不着为它担心,让它好好地睡它的酒后觉就是了。
  This bird belonged to the finest of the eight species credited to Papua and its neighboring islands.  这只无双鸟属于巴布亚和邻近群岛出产的八种无双鸟中最美的一种。
  It was a great emerald, one of the rarest birds of paradise. It measured three decimeters long.  这是大翡翠无双鸟,最罕有的一种。它有三分米长,
  Its head was comparatively small, and its eyes, placed near the opening of its beak, were also small.  头比较小,眼睛也不大,就在嘴近边。它的嘴是黄色,脚爪和指甲是褐色,
  But it offered a wonderful mixture of hues: a yellow beak, brown feet and claws, hazel wings with purple tips,  翼是臻子色,翼端是朱红色,头上和颈后是淡黄色,喉间是翡翠色,
  pale yellow head and scruff of the neck, emerald throat, the belly and chest maroon to brown.  腹部和胸部是栗子色,因此,它看来像是十分华丽的各种色彩的综合。
  Two strands, made of a horn substance covered with down, rose over its tail, which was lengthened by long, very light feathers of wonderful fineness,  而且尾巴上耸起两个角形的绒毛绿球,和很细腻的很轻飘的细长羽毛连接,好像拖垂的长带,
  and they completed the costume of this marvelous bird that the islanders have poetically named the sun bird. 于是这一切就把这只奇鸟的整个形象完全美化起来了,所以当地上人很诗意地称它为太阳的鸟。
  How I wished I could take this superb bird of paradise back to Paris, to make a gift of it to the zoo at the Botanical Gardens, which doesn't own a single live specimen. 我很希望能把这只好看的无双鸟带回巴黎去,送给植物园,因为园中还没有一只活的无双鸟。
  So it must be a rarity or something? the Canadian asked, in the tone of a hunter who, from the viewpoint of his art, gives the game a pretty low rating. 这鸟真是很罕见吗广加拿大人问,用一种不从美术的观点来估计猎物的口气。
  A great rarity, my gallant comrade, and above all very hard to capture alive. And even after they're dead, there's still a major market for these birds.  十分罕见,我老实的同伴,特别是十分难得捉到活的。就是死了,这些鸟仍然是重要的贸易对象。
  So the natives have figured out how to create fake ones, like people create fake pearls or diamonds. 所以上人想法制造假的,像制造珍珠和钻石一样。