英语听书《海底两万里》第307期 第23章 珊瑚王国(4)(在线收听

   I took the wounded man's pulse. It was intermittent.  病人的脉搏,我按了按,已经时有时无。

  The body's extremities were already growing cold, and I saw that death was approaching without any possibility of my holding it in check.  身体各处,手,指脚趾的尖端已经冰冷,我看出死已临头,没法救治了。
  After dressing the poor man's wound, I redid the linen bandages around his head, and I turned to Captain Nemo. 我包扎好这个不幸的病人,又把他头上的纱布弄好,转过身来对着尼摩船长;我问他:
  How did he get this wound? I asked him. 哪来的这伤痕呢?
  That's not important, the captain replied evasively. The Nautilus suffered a collision that cracked one of the engine levers, and it struck this man.  那没关系!船长掩饰地回答,诺第留斯号受到一次仲撞,弄断了机器上的一条杠杆,打中了这个人。
  My chief officer was standing beside him. This man leaped forward to intercept the blow.  般副正在他旁边。他奋身前去,顶受了这打击…
  A brother lays down his life for his brother, a friend for his friend, what could be simpler?  兄弟为自己的兄弟牺牲,朋友为自己的朋友牺牲,再没有更简单的享!
  That's the law for everyone on board the Nautilus. But what's your diagnosis of his condition? 这是诺第留斯号船上全体船员共同遵守的规律!您对于他的病精的意见究竟怎样?
  I hesitated to speak my mind. 我迟疑不敢说。
  You may talk freely, the captain told me. This man doesn't understand French. 您可以说,船长对我说,这人不懂得法语。
  I took a last look at the wounded man, then I replied: 我最后看一下伤员,然后回答:
  This man will be dead in two hours. 这人在两小时内就要死了。
  Nothing can save him? 没有什么办法可以救他吗?
  Nothing. 没有。
  Captain Nemo clenched his fists, and tears slid from his eyes, which I had thought incapable of weeping. 尼摩船长的手抖起来,几滴眼泪从他的眼中流出来了,从前我以为他的眼睛是不会哭的。
  For a few moments more I observed the dying man, whose life was ebbing little by little. He grew still more pale under the electric light that bathed his deathbed.  霎时间,我再看一下这垂死的人,他的生命一点一点消失了。他苍白的面色,由于有明亮的电光照在他临死的床上,更显得惨白。
  I looked at his intelligent head, furrowed with premature wrinkles that misfortune, perhaps misery, had etched long before.  我看他的聪明头额有很多过早的皱纹,那是生活中的不幸或多年的贫苦给他造成的。
  I was hoping to detect the secret of his life in the last words that might escape from his lips! 我要从他嘴里偶然吐出的一些话,明白他生平的秘密!您可以退出了,阿龙纳斯先生。尼摩船长这时对我说。