英语听书《海底两万里》第374期 第24章 希腊群岛(9)(在线收听

 We can't stay any longer in this boiling water, I told the captain. 我们再不能留在这沸腾的水流中了。我对船长说。

No, it wouldn't be advisable, replied Nemo the Emotionless. 是的,再留在这儿就大不谨慎了。心平气和的尼摩回答说。
He gave an order. The Nautilus tacked about and retreated from this furnace it couldn't brave with impunity.  命令发出,诺第留斯号船身转过来,离开这座熔炉,冒昧地留下难免要碰到危险呢!
A quarter of an hour later, we were breathing fresh air on the surface of the waves. 一刻钟后,我们又在海面上呼吸了。
It then occurred to me that if Ned had chosen these waterways for our escape attempt, we wouldn't have come out alive from this sea of fire. 于是我心中想,如果尼德·兰选择这-带的海来实行我们的逃走计划,我们恐怕不能活着走出这火海吧。
The next day, February 16, we left this basin, which tallies depths of 3,000 meters between Rhodes and Alexandria, and passing well out from Cerigo Island after doubling Cape Matapan, the Nautilus left the Greek Islands behind. 第二天,2月16日,我们离开了这海,它在罗得岛和亚历山大港之间,深度有三千米,诺第留斯号行驶在雪利哥海面,绕过马达邦角后,就扔下希腊群岛不见了。