英语听书《海底两万里》第385期 第25章 地中海四十八小时(11)(在线收听

 Did he himself never leave the Nautilus? Whole weeks had often gone by without my encountering him.  难道他从不离开诺第留斯号吗?有时候,整整几个星期过去了,我都碰不见他。

What was he doing all the while? During all those times I'd thought he was convalescing in the grip of some misanthropic fit, was he instead far away from the ship, involved in some secret activity whose nature still eluded me? 在这个期间他做什么事呢?我以为他是愤世嫉俗,心存厌世,不愿见人,是不是他到远处去,完成某种我一直不知道内容性质的秘密行动呢?
All these ideas and a thousand others assaulted me at the same time. In these strange circumstances the scope for conjecture was unlimited.  所有这些思想,以及其它无数的想法,同时涌到我心中来。在我们所处的奇特情况中,胡乱猜测是无穷无尽的。
I felt an unbearable queasiness. This day of waiting seemed endless. The hours struck too slowly to keep up with my impatience. 我感到一种不可忍受的不安。这一天的等待好象是无止境的由于心中烦躁,时间实在是过得太慢了。
As usual, dinner was served me in my stateroom. Full of anxiety, I ate little.  我的晚饭像往常一样,还是在我的房中吃的。我心中有事,吃得很马虎。
I left the table at seven o'clock.  我七点离开餐桌。
120 minutes-I was keeping track of them-still separated me from the moment I was to rejoin Ned Land. My agitation increased.  我心中计算,距我要跟尼德。兰约定相会的时候,还有一百二十分钟。我心中的激动更增加了。
My pulse was throbbing violently. I couldn't stand still. I walked up and down, hoping to calm my troubled mind with movement.  我的脉搏激烈跳动,我自己不能静下来。我走来走去,希望运动可以把我心中的烦乱镇静一下。
The possibility of perishing in our reckless undertaking was the least of my worries;  我想到我们要在这次大胆逃走中不幸死亡,我并不怎么难过,
my heart was pounding at the thought that our plans might be discovered before we had left the Nautilus, at the thought of being hauled in front of Captain Nemo and finding him angered, or worse, saddened by my deserting him. 但是,想到我们的计划在离开诺第留斯号之前就被发觉,想到我们被带到激怒的尼摩船长面前,或者,更为糟糕,他因为我的抛弃他而很痛苦,我的心就怦怦地跳起来了。
I wanted to see the lounge one last time. I went down the gangways and arrived at the museum where I had spent so many pleasant and productive hours.  我要最后看一次客厅。我从长廊走过去,我到了我不知度过了多少快意和有益的时间的那间陈列室。
I stared at all its wealth, all its treasures, like a man on the eve of his eternal exile, a man departing to return no more.  我两眼叮者所有这些财富,所有这些宝藏,就像一个人要永远流亡,走后不再回来的前夜中一样。
For so many days now, these natural wonders and artistic masterworks had been central to my life, and I was about to leave them behind forever.  这些自然界的神奇品,这些艺术上的杰作,这许多日子来,我的生命力全部集中在它门那里,现在我要永远抛开它们了。
I wanted to plunge my eyes through the lounge window and into these Atlantic waters; but the panels were hermetically sealed, and a mantle of sheet iron separated me from this ocean with which I was still unfamiliar. 我又要通过客厅的玻璃,把我的眼光潜入大西洋的水底下,可是嵌板紧闭着,一块铁板把我隔开了我还不认识的这个大洋。