月亮和六便士 第二十六章(3)(在线收听

 Strickland was a weird figure as he lay there, thinner than ever, with his ragged red beard and his eyes staring feverishly into vacancy; 思特里克兰德躺在床上,样子古怪怕人,他的身躯比平常更加削瘦,红色的胡子乱成一团,眼睛兴奋地凝视着半空;

his illness seemed to have made them larger, and they had an unnatural brightness. 因为生病,他的眼睛显得非常大,炯炯发光,但那光亮显得很不自然。
Does he ever talk to you in the night? I asked her once. Never. “夜里他跟你说过话吗?”有一次我问她。“从来没有。”
Do you dislike him as much as you did? More, if anything. “你还象过去那样不喜欢他吗?”“比以前更厉害了。”
She looked at me with her calm gray eyes. 她用一双安详的、灰色的眼睛望着我。
Her expression was so placid, it was hard to believe that she was capable of the violent emotion I had witnessed. 她的神色非常恬静,我很难相信她居然能象那次我看到的那样大发脾气。
Has he ever thanked you for what you do for him? No, she smiled. “你替他做了这么多事,他谢过你吗?”“没有。”她笑了笑说。
He's inhuman. He's abominable. “这人真不通人情。”“简直太可恶了。”
Stroeve was, of course, delighted with her. 施特略夫对她自然非常满意。
He could not do enough to show his gratitude for the whole-hearted devotion with which she had accepted the burden he laid on her. 她这样把他撂给她的挑子担了过来,而且全心全意地履行自己的职责,他无论怎样做也无法表示对她的感激。
But he was a little puzzled by the behaviour of Blanche and Strickland towards one another. 但是他对勃朗什同思特里克兰德彼此的关系又有些不解。
Do you know, I've seen them sit there for hours together without saying a word? “你知道,我看见过他们在一起坐了好几个钟头,谁也一句话不说。”
On one occasion, when Strickland was so much better that in a day or two he was to get up, I sat with them in the studio. 有一次我和这一家人一同坐在画室里,这时思特里克兰德的身体已经快好了,再过一两天就要起床了。
Dirk and I were talking. 戴尔克同我闲聊。
Mrs. Stroeve sewed, and I thought I recognised the shirt she was mending as Strickland's. 施特略夫太太在缝补什么;她缝的东西我是认得的,那是思特里克兰德的一件衬衣。
He lay on his back; he did not speak. 思特里克兰德仰面躺着,一句话也不说。
Once I saw that his eyes were fixed on Blanche Stroeve, and there was in them a curious irony. 有一次我看到他的目光停在勃朗什·施特略夫身上,带着一种奇怪的嘲弄神情。
Feeling their gaze, she raised her own, and for a moment they stared at one another. 勃朗什感到他正在看自己,抬起眼睛,他们俩彼此凝视了一会儿。