英语听书《海底两万里》第412期 第25章 地中海四十八小时(39)(在线收听

 Would my returning to this subject arouse suspicions that could jeopardize our escape plans, if we had promising circumstances for trying again later on?  又来讨论这个问题,结果恐怕是引起他为疑虑,以致将来有好机会到来,我们要实行逃走计划的时候,岂不更加困难了吗?

I weighed all these considerations, turned them over in my mind, submitted them to Conseil, but he was as baffled as I was.  所有这些理由,在我心中翻来覆去,就是细加较量,慎重考虑,也不能决定,我提出来和康塞尔谈,他跟我一样,很是为难。
In short, although I'm not easily discouraged, I realized that my chances of ever seeing my fellow men again were shrinking by the day, especially at a time when Captain Nemo was recklessly racing toward the south Atlantic! 总之,虽然我不很容易失望:但我明白我重见世人的机会是一天一天减少了,特别是在尼摩船长大胆向大西洋南方奔驰的时候!
During those nineteen days just mentioned, no unique incidents distinguished our voyage.  在我上面说的这十丸天期间内,我们旅行中没有发生什么特别意外事件。
I saw little of the captain. He was at work. In the library I often found books he had left open, especially books on natural history.  我很少看见船长。他工作忙。在图书室里面,我时常看见有些书,特别是生物科学的书,他翻开摆在那里。
He had thumbed through my work on the great ocean depths, and the margins were covered with his notes, which sometimes contradicted my theories and formulations.  我的关于海底秘密的著作,他翻阅了,在书边上写满批注,有时驳斥我的理论和我的系统。
But the captain remained content with this method of refining my work, and he rarely discussed it with me.  但船长仅只是这样清除我书中的不正确部分,他很少跟我讨论某些问题。
Sometimes I heard melancholy sounds reverberating from the organ, which he played very expressively, but only at night in the midst of the most secretive darkness, while the Nautilus slumbered in the wilderness of the ocean. 有时,我听到大风琴发出抑郁沉闷的声调,他弹奏时,富有表情,不过他单在夜间弹奏,在最秘密的黑暗中间,当诺第留斯号沉睡在荒漠的海洋中间的时候。
During this part of our voyage, we navigated on the surface of the waves for entire days.  在这部分的旅行中,我们整天在水面上航行。
The sea was nearly deserted.  海好像是被人造弃了的一样。
A few sailing ships, laden for the East Indies, were heading toward the Cape of Good Hope.  只有几艘帆船,运货物到印度,向好望角驶去。
One day we were chased by the longboats of a whaling vessel, which undoubtedly viewed us as some enormous baleen whale of great value.  一天,我们被一只捕鲸船的小艇追逐,他们一定认为我们的船是价值很大的巨大鲸鱼。
But Captain Nemo didn't want these gallant gentlemen wasting their time and energy, so he ended the hunt by diving beneath the waters.  但尼摩船长不愿使那些勇敢的打鱼人白费时间和气力,他叫船潜入水中,结束了他们的追逐。
This incident seemed to fascinate Ned Land intensely.  这个意外事件使尼德·兰发生浓厚兴趣。
I'm sure the Canadian was sorry that these fishermen couldn't harpoon our sheet-iron cetacean and mortally wound it. 我想,加拿大人对我们这条钢板鲸鱼没有被打鱼人的鱼叉叉死,心中一定觉得很可惜,我想我大概没有想错。