月亮和六便士 第五十七章(1)(在线收听

 Chapter 57 第五十七章

At that moment we were interrupted by the appearance of Madame Coutras, who had been paying visits. 这时候库特拉斯太太看朋友回来,我们的谈话暂时被打断了。
She came in, like a ship in full sail,  库特拉斯太太象一只帆篷张得鼓鼓的小船,精神抖擞地闯了进来。
an imposing creature, tall and stout, with an ample bust and an obesity girthed in alarmingly by straight-fronted corsets. 她是个又高大又肥胖的女人,胸部膨脝饱满,却紧紧勒着束胸。
She had a bold hooked nose and three chins. She held herself upright. 她生着一个大鹰钩鼻,下巴耷拉着三圈肥肉,身躯挺得笔直。
She had not yielded for an instant to the enervating charm of the tropics, 尽管热带气候一般总是叫人慵懒无力,对她却丝毫没有影响。
but contrariwise was more active, more worldly, more decided than anyone in a temperate clime would have thought it possible to be. 相反地,库特拉斯太太又精神又世故,行动敏捷果断,在这种叫人昏昏欲睡的地带里,谁也想不到她有这么充沛的精力。
She was evidently a copious talker, and now poured forth a breathless stream of anecdote and comment. 此外,她显然还是个非常健谈的人;自踏进屋门的一分钟起,她就谈论这个、品评那个,话语滔滔不绝。
She made the conversation we had just had seem far away and unreal. 我们刚才那场谈话在库特拉斯太太进屋以后显得非常遥远、非常不真实了。
Presently Dr. Coutras turned to me. 过了一会儿,库特拉斯医生对我说:
"I still have in my bureau the picture that Strickland gave me," he said. "Would you like to see it?" “思特里克兰德给我的那幅画一直挂在我的书房里。你要去看看吗?”
"Willingly." “我很想看看。”
We got up, and he led me on to the verandah which surrounded his house. 我们站起来,医生领着我走到室外环绕着这幢房子的阳台上。
We paused to look at the gay flowers that rioted in his garden. 我们在外面站了一会儿,看了看他花园里争奇斗妍的绚烂的鲜花。
"For a long time I could not get out of my head the recollection of the extraordinary decoration with which Strickland had covered the walls of his house," he said reflectively. “看了思特里克兰德用来装饰他房屋四壁的那些奇异的画幅,很久很久我老是忘不掉,”他沉思地说。