英语听书《海底两万里》第417期 第25章 地中海四十八小时(44)(在线收听

 Oho! We know that, do we? Captain Nemo replied in a tone of mild surprise. Well, professor, we have good reason to know it because it's the truth.  啊!人们知道这事吗?”尼摩船长回答,语气有点惊异。那么,教授,人们当然知道,因为这是事实。

I might add, in fact, that the air bladders of fish contain more nitrogen than oxygen when these animals are caught at the surface of the water, and conversely, more oxygen than nitrogen when they're pulled up from the lower depths.  我还要说,鱼类的缥子,当鱼是在水面上捕得的,里面藏有的氮多于氧,但从水深处捉到它们时就相反,氧多于氮。
Which bears out your formulation. But let's continue our observations. 这也是证明您所说的这一点是对的。
My eyes flew back to the pressure gauge. The instrument indicated a depth of 6,000 meters. Our submergence had been going on for an hour.  现在我们继续做我们的观察我的眼光盯在压力表上面。表指六千米的深处。我们下沉开始以来有一小时了。
The Nautilus slid downward on its slanting fins, still sinking.  诺第留斯号跟它的纵斜机板溜下去,老是往下沉。
These deserted waters were wonderfully clear, with a transparency impossible to convey. An hour later we were at 13,000 meters-about three and a quarter vertical leagues--and the ocean floor was nowhere in sight. 汪洋无物的海水显得十分透明;这种透亮性简直无法形容。再过一小时后,我们到一万三千米,即三里又四分之一深了,但人们还没有感到就要抵达海底。
However, at 14,000 meters I saw blackish peaks rising in the midst of the waters.  但是,到了一万四千米的时候,我看见带黑色的尖顶从海水中间露出来。
But these summits could have belonged to mountains as high or even higher than the Himalayas or Mt. Blanc, and the extent of these depths remained incalculable. 不过这些尖顶可能是属于跟喜马拉雅山或白山一样高或更高的山的峰顶,下面的深渊还是深不可测。
Despite the powerful pressures it was undergoing, the Nautilus sank still deeper.  诺第留斯号虽然受到强大压力,但仍然继续下降。
I could feel its sheet-iron plates trembling down to their riveted joins; metal bars arched; bulkheads groaned; the lounge windows seemed to be warping inward under the water's pressure.  我感觉它的钢板在螺旬·衔接的地方都颤动了,白的方格铁板有些弯起来了,它的中间隔板发出悲鸣了,客厅的玻璃窗受海水的压力好像要凹陷了。
And this whole sturdy mechanism would surely have given way, if, as its captain had said, it weren't capable of resisting like a solid block. 如果这架坚固的机器,不像它的船长所说过的,坚硬得像一大块实铁:那它一定早就要垮了。